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  1. Snackersmom

    Mat 7:22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils?

    Yeah, I always thought it interesting how they are telling Jesus about the cool things "they" supposedly did.... as if He wouldn't know already :rolleyes:. Sounds like they were expecting their supposed works to get them into heaven, too.... rather than the work of Christ. Also, if Jesus NEVER...
  2. Snackersmom

    Seoulsearch Tries To Date Multiple People At Once -- Ending In Epic Failure!

    Giiiiiiirrrrllll, do NOT tag me with this responsibility, you a handful!! :eek::LOL::p;)
  3. Snackersmom

    Seoulsearch Tries To Date Multiple People At Once -- Ending In Epic Failure!

    Hmmmm, you say something happened around the year 2000, huh? :unsure:. I was a high school junior that year, and I recall that the hottest trend in Christian dating was to kiss dating goodbye. All the good Christian girls I knew were adamant that they were only interested in a man who would...
  4. Snackersmom

    Getting a medical test on the 28th of june

    Amen! Please keep us posted, brother Stingray.
  5. Snackersmom

    Would you ever eat...?

    Those foods are great, but eating them won't amuse the youth group. That's how I found out that roasted meal worms taste a bit like sesame seeds. 😎
  6. Snackersmom

    Seoulsearch Tries To Date Multiple People At Once -- Ending In Epic Failure!

    Forgive me if I have my info wrong, but I think I'm remembering that you mentioned a physical disability. Was that something you had to overcome to do the weight-lifting, or did you take up lifting in order to help overcome it? Please forgive me if that's too nosy or my facts are wrong, I just...
  7. Snackersmom

    Seoulsearch Tries To Date Multiple People At Once -- Ending In Epic Failure!

    Stingray, I have a nosy question that might be offensive. But somehow I feel like you wouldn't mind. But still not sure if I should ask it. 🤔
  8. Snackersmom

    Seoulsearch Tries To Date Multiple People At Once -- Ending In Epic Failure!

    A quick and pointed response is often exactly what is needed. Brevity has never been my strong suit but I admire the skill in others. It's good to have you here! 😎
  9. Snackersmom

    It's Time to Take Off the Gloves! (And Maybe Put New Ones On?) What Are Your Suggestions?

    Raynaud syndrome was my first thought as well.
  10. Snackersmom

    Seoulsearch Tries To Date Multiple People At Once -- Ending In Epic Failure!

    Wha....uhhh..NOOOOOOO............."backs slowly out of the thread and refuses to log in for several days" 😆😂😜
  11. Snackersmom

    Would you ever eat...?

    I would eat catfish from our farm pond, but not the local river :eek:. Would you eat roasted mealworms?
  12. Snackersmom

    Seoulsearch Tries To Date Multiple People At Once -- Ending In Epic Failure!

    The handful of men I have spent time getting to know by my own choice have all been great, if I have any regrets in that regard it would be any hurt or pain I may have caused them. Not that I didn't experience any pain on my end of things, but that's just part of life and I tolerate pain pretty...
  13. Snackersmom

    Seoulsearch Tries To Date Multiple People At Once -- Ending In Epic Failure!

    Hi Sculpt, your questions kinda blew my mind o_O. Been on a memory trip all day as a result. But I don't want to derail Seoulsearch's thread. Also, I'm not sure if the questions were rhetorical and just meant as food for thought (if so, they have achieved their objective! :unsure:). If they...
  14. Snackersmom

    Seoulsearch Tries To Date Multiple People At Once -- Ending In Epic Failure!

    Lol I'm not offended, I'm glad you got a good laugh :LOL:. But if you are referring to the "She said Hi back, we're gonna get married" comment, I was just referencing something @Lynx posted in another thread: I found it hilarious and very relatable, so it kinda stuck with me :LOL:
  15. Snackersmom


    Hello Peaceguy, welcome to the forums!
  16. Snackersmom

    Seoulsearch Tries To Date Multiple People At Once -- Ending In Epic Failure!

    Hi Sculpt, I'm thinking back to my "fear of attraction" thread from a while back (maybe you are familiar since you said you have a good memory and I know you posted in it). Anyway..... eventually, through the advice people were posting, I realized it was probably more a fear of commitment...
  17. Snackersmom

    Seoulsearch Tries To Date Multiple People At Once -- Ending In Epic Failure!

    I'm trying to figure out how to explain what I'm thinking without sounding like a crazy person. I definitely am a crazy person, just trying not to sound like one 😜. I've been kickin' round the pea patch for a while now. Had some unpleasant interactions, a few low-key stalking incidents, and...
  18. Snackersmom

    The Singles Forum Goes to a Tea Party! (Come Join Us for a Spot O'Tea!)

    It kinda tasted like fish, if fish was bitter and having a REALLY bad day 🤔
  19. Snackersmom

    The Singles Forum Goes to a Tea Party! (Come Join Us for a Spot O'Tea!)

    I do like fish in general, but didn't love the shark.