ok thanks for your explanations mate I will ponder upon your answers , Shalom xx just b4 I go if Yeshua is equal to God and God knows all things then why does Yeshua not know the date of the time of His Presence? God knows all things and if Yeshuas is equal with God then Yeshua would know all things? xx have you resolved that in your mind yet? I need help with that one too xx
Here is what two ministers emailed me about God’s foreknowledge a while back.
“God knows whatever He wants to know through whatever means He chooses to know it, whenever He chooses to know it, and can even limit Himself in His own knowledge has no problem with passages such as Matthew 24:36. Reread that sentence and let it sink in. Why, at the time of Matthew 24:36 for sure, did only the Father know the day and hour of Christ's second literal coming? Was Jesus not omnipotent and omniscient? What about the Holy Spirit? The simple answer is that Jesus and the Holy Spirit, at least at that time, chose not to know (in other words, they both willingly limited their own knowledge), which is a clear demonstration of the awesome, matchless power of the Godhead. The same principle holds true at any point in human history.
Therefore, the matter is not about whether or not any member of the Godhead has the ability to know anything, about anyone, at any time, as all three members of the Godhead are omni-everything in harmony with their divine nature. The matter deals with what God CHOOSES to know about anything, anyone, or any time.
God has the ability to know, or not to know (Jeremiah 19:5), whatever He wants to know through whatever means He chooses to know it. There are some things that we might know that God doesn't. Before balking at that statement, read Hebrews 8:12. One important thing people often fail to recognize about God is that God can choose to limit Himself (Matthew 24:36-39) and can also choose to "forget" certain aspects of a person's life (Jeremiah 31:34; Hebrews 8:12; Hebrews 10:17), all in harmony with His flawless, perfect will.
Every aspect of the Godhead is "omni," (Revelation 19:6) or all encompassing, all in harmony with the nature of God (I John 1:5; 4:8; etc.).
Therefore, God is omniscient (all knowing) meaning that all 3 members of the Godhead have the ability to know anything and everything, whenever they want to know it, by whatever means they choose to know it. So, for example, Jesus' words in Matthew 24:36 are not about ability but authority.
So let's try to simplify it.
1. Is God omniscient? Yes--Psalm 139:1-12; Isaiah 46:9-11; etc.
2. Does omniscience mean that God has the ability to know where everyone will spend eternity? Yes, obviously.
3. Does omniscience mean that God determines, selects, or chooses who goes to heaven or hell, without mankind having any say in the matter? No. God having the ability to know anything and everything is not the same as God forcing man to make sinful or scriptural choices.
Passages on the free will of mankind are observed in the Scriptures when mankind is instructed in any form to choose, turn, obey, yield, or be told what he may or may not do, etc. (Genesis 2:15-17; Deuteronomy 30:19; Joshua 24:14-15; Ezekiel 18:21-28; Acts 2:40; Romans 6:16-18; I Corinthians 6:9-11; etc.).
God desires for all men to come to repentance (II Peter 3:9) and God desires for all men to be saved (I Timothy 2:4), but not everyone chooses to take the path that leads to eternal life (Matthew 7:13-14).”
“We must not confuse knowledge with FOREknowledge. I am personally not convinced that God chooses to exercise His power to know everything about the FUTURE BEFORE it happens. However, this does not in any way call into question whether or not He chooses to know the PAST or what is happening in the PRESENT. These things he knows fully and completely. Of course, God knows everything men are doing when those things are happening. The question is whether or not He chooses to know them BEFORE they happened.
God has the power to know anything He chooses to know. But it appears to me that He also has the power to choose NOT to know the future until it HAPPENS. I know that He chooses to know everything in the past and everything that is happening in the present, because the Bible says so. He will bring every work into judgment with every hidden thing -- Ecc. 12:14; etc.
God can do whatever He chooses to do. But we only know what He chooses to do by what He tells us in the Bible. I know He chooses to know everything in the past and present because He says so in the Bible. I also know that He has the ~power~ to know everything in the future, and I know that He has exercised His power to know SOME things in the future, because the Bible tells me so. The question is: Where does the Bible say that God has chosen to know EVERYTHING that will ever happen in the future in the life of EVERY individual? I don't know where the Bible says that, and I have given (in the election outline) some verses that appear to me to indicate that God did not know certain things BEFORE they happened.
Consider the fact that Jesus was God in the flesh (John 1:1-3,14; 20:28)? So why was there something that the Father knew that Jesus did not know -- Matt. 24:36? If Jesus possesses Deity, then He must have had the power to know this, if He had chosen to know it. The only way I can explain that verse is to conclude that the Father chose to know this information beforehand; but it did not suit Jesus' purposes on earth to know it, so He chose not to exercise His power to know it. In my view, here is a specific future fact that at least one member of the Godhead chose not to know beforehand.
God is all-powerful. He can do anything He chooses to do. If so, then does He have the power to choose NOT to know a thing, if He wishes not to know it? It seems to me that, if we really believe that God is all-powerful, then we have to accept the fact that He has the power to choose not to know some things about the future, if He wills to not know them. God's power to know is just a part of His overall power. To claim that God is all-powerful is not to say that he will actually do everything He has the power to do. Since His power to know is part of His overall power, it follows that, as with all His other powers, He will choose to do (i.e., to know) only those things that suit His purposes to do (know).
This view, however, is not necessary to understand the main point of my article on election. Whether or not one shares this view of God's foreknowledge, we can still agree that salvation is conditional on man's conduct.”