God did destroy it all a long time ago. He destroyed all of Sodom and Gomorrah save for one family deemed righteous. He destroyed the first born of every Egyptian house after hardening Pharaoh's heart so that he would be unable to let his people Go. And , just to list a few, he destroyed the entire population of the world by drowning, save for numbers of animals and Noah's family deemed righteous so as to populate the world again with sinful mortals. Noah was a drunkard. After the deluge. God sent in 2nd Kings 2 two bears to maul more than 40 children. God's laws prescribed death for certain sins, transgressions, deemed abomination. Adultery, homosexuality.
God is cruel. He is also kind. Remember though, God is the darkness and the light. God is all things.
By the way, Diogenes' Chicken....
You featherless biped you.