Why are you so focused on the fruit. It can’t be any plainer. Just read what Jesus said— verse 4- you abide in me; because the branch ( that’s us) CAN NOT bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine! Neither can YOU bear fruit unless YOU abide or STAY in the vine WHO IS CHRIST. If you abide in Christ, verse 5, and He abides in you, ONLY THEN, will he abide in you, and you will be able to produce much fruit. But, the opposite is true also. If you DONT ABIDE IN CHRUST, He WONT ABIDE IN YOU, and you will produce NOTHING. Because. WITHOUT CHRIST YOU CAN DO NOTHING. So, what is it about that verse that you don’t understand??
That makes our salvation dependent on our CHOICE to “KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS (verse 9). Otherwise, Jesus says YOU WILL NOT ABIDE IN THE LOVE OF GOD!!! And He says you must ABIDE IN HIS LOVE. And to prove this He gives the example of Him and God. “JUST AS I HAVE KEPT MY FATHER’S COMMANDMENTS AND ABIDE IN HIS LOVE.
This whole passage from verses 1-10 proves salvation is CONDITIONAL upon our choosing to remain faithful to Christ, keeping His commandments, just like Jesus OBEYED His Father and KEPT HIS COMMANDMENTS. When we do THAT we 1) ABIDE IN JESUS, 2) we ABIDE IN HIS LOVE, 3) we WILL BEAR MUCH FRUIT, and 4) we WILL BE HIS DISCIPLES. (Verse 8)
I have gone verse by verse to show you what each verse says; If you disagree with these verses and what they are saying—because these are not MY WORDS but Jesus’s words—THEN PLEASE GIVE US SCRIPTURE that proves what I have quoted from John 15 is not true. But remember this!! The Bible does NOT contradict itself! Please do not “PIT” one scripture against another. They all agree and support each other. If your theology does not agree with what is written in God’s word, then your theology is wrong—not God’s word.
That makes our salvation dependent on our CHOICE to “KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS (verse 9). Otherwise, Jesus says YOU WILL NOT ABIDE IN THE LOVE OF GOD!!! And He says you must ABIDE IN HIS LOVE. And to prove this He gives the example of Him and God. “JUST AS I HAVE KEPT MY FATHER’S COMMANDMENTS AND ABIDE IN HIS LOVE.
This whole passage from verses 1-10 proves salvation is CONDITIONAL upon our choosing to remain faithful to Christ, keeping His commandments, just like Jesus OBEYED His Father and KEPT HIS COMMANDMENTS. When we do THAT we 1) ABIDE IN JESUS, 2) we ABIDE IN HIS LOVE, 3) we WILL BEAR MUCH FRUIT, and 4) we WILL BE HIS DISCIPLES. (Verse 8)
I have gone verse by verse to show you what each verse says; If you disagree with these verses and what they are saying—because these are not MY WORDS but Jesus’s words—THEN PLEASE GIVE US SCRIPTURE that proves what I have quoted from John 15 is not true. But remember this!! The Bible does NOT contradict itself! Please do not “PIT” one scripture against another. They all agree and support each other. If your theology does not agree with what is written in God’s word, then your theology is wrong—not God’s word.
Your use of those verses written TO another people, in another place, at another time and under a different dispensation, it's nothing but pure chaos. We today are saved by faith in the death, burial and resurrection of Christ Jesus, not in the keeping of commandments, water baptism and all the other works-based items of the Kingdom Gospel. If you disagree with that, then you may as well declare Paul a liar, or a man who was guilty of the sin of omission.
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