..."Unknown"? Is there really such a thing in God's Word Of Truth?
Does God Really Have Two Different gifts of tongues??
We just read, on another thread, where we were judged as non-christian
because we have never "spoken in tongues as the sign of" a saved christian.
We wish this were not so, as we do love and pray for our Pentecostal
brethren, and hopefully this study will be a gentle discussion, in all
kindness In The LORD, answering the above questions:
"...Tongues of men
It is true that when the gift of tongues was introduced at Pentecost, it
empowered men with the supernatural ability to speak in a known,
identifiable human language with which they were not familiar. We
know this because the specific languages in which they spoke are
listed for us in Acts 2:4-11...
We also know that God gave this gift to the Jews because He intended
to make the nation of Israel “a kingdom of priests” (Ex. 19:6) to minister
His word to the Gentiles (Isa. 61:6), and what good is a priest that doesn’t
speak your language?..."
[And/OR the second gift?]:
"...Tongues of angels...
... our Pentecostal friends...contend that when Paul spoke to the
Corinthians about “the tongues of men and of angels” (I Cor. 13:1),
that this was a reference to “an unknown tongue” (14:2) spoken by
angels, and that this is the gift God gave to the Corinthians, and
which He continues to give men today.
Of course, since none of us “speak angel,” it is impossible to verify
that those who speak in tongues today are speaking in a legitimate
language, as the foreigners visiting Jerusalem were able to do at
Pentecost (Acts 2:11)...
(R Kurth)
FULL study 'link'
Grace, Peace, and JOY!
Does God Really Have Two Different gifts of tongues??
We just read, on another thread, where we were judged as non-christian
because we have never "spoken in tongues as the sign of" a saved christian.
We wish this were not so, as we do love and pray for our Pentecostal
brethren, and hopefully this study will be a gentle discussion, in all
kindness In The LORD, answering the above questions:
"...Tongues of men
It is true that when the gift of tongues was introduced at Pentecost, it
empowered men with the supernatural ability to speak in a known,
identifiable human language with which they were not familiar. We
know this because the specific languages in which they spoke are
listed for us in Acts 2:4-11...
We also know that God gave this gift to the Jews because He intended
to make the nation of Israel “a kingdom of priests” (Ex. 19:6) to minister
His word to the Gentiles (Isa. 61:6), and what good is a priest that doesn’t
speak your language?..."
“ten men shall take hold out of all languages of the nations,
even shall take hold of the skirt of him that is a Jew, saying,
We will go with you: for we have heard that God is with you”
(Zech. 8:23)..."
[And/OR the second gift?]:
"...Tongues of angels...
... our Pentecostal friends...contend that when Paul spoke to the
Corinthians about “the tongues of men and of angels” (I Cor. 13:1),
that this was a reference to “an unknown tongue” (14:2) spoken by
angels, and that this is the gift God gave to the Corinthians, and
which He continues to give men today.
Of course, since none of us “speak angel,” it is impossible to verify
that those who speak in tongues today are speaking in a legitimate
language, as the foreigners visiting Jerusalem were able to do at
Pentecost (Acts 2:11)...
(R Kurth)

FULL study 'link'
Grace, Peace, and JOY!
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