1) IF The Scriptures are not Perfect, then why would God Do This?:
Cannot be trusted, Correct?
3) God's Truth is not in (my or anyone else's) experience, But In:
Christ, And In His Completed Word Of Truth, Rightly
Divided (+ I and II)!:
a portion of ' II' by D Adams:
Grace, Peace, And JOY!
Psa 138:2 “I will worship toward Thy holy temple, and praise
Thy Name for Thy Lovingkindness and for Thy Truth: for
Thou Hast MAGNIFIED Thy Word Above All THY NAME.”
2) Plus, IF The Scriptures are not PERFECT, then They Cannot be trusted, Correct?
3) God's Truth is not in (my or anyone else's) experience, But In:
Christ, And In His Completed Word Of Truth, Rightly
Divided (+ I and II)!:
a portion of ' II' by D Adams:
There Is No Specific Statement as to When Tongues Will Cease - the Bible does not give any specific statement with respect to the time the gift of tongues will cease to exist. This is crucial. While it does indeed say that the gift of tongues will cease it does not specifically say when this will occur. Therefore, the burden of proof is solely upon those who claim the gift no longer operates in the church. Indeed, they have to establish that the gift ceased after the apostolic era.
The Nature of the Gift Does Not Indicate It Has Ceased - not everyone sees speaking in tongues merely as a sign to unbelieving Israel. In fact, Paul also says tongues can be beneficial to believers.
Now I want you all to speak in tongues, but even more to prophesy. The one who prophesies is greater than the one who speaks in tongues, unless someone interprets, so that the church may be built up
Therefore, the gift was not limited as a sign to the nation Israel. It was of benefit to the local congregations.
The Perfect Is Still in the Future
Tongues will indeed “cease of themselves,” but only when the “perfect” has come. “Perfect,” most likely, refers to the perfect age when Jesus Christ returns. John wrote.
Dear friends, we are God’s children now, and what we will be has not yet been revealed. We know that when He appears, we will be like Him, because we will see Him as He is
The perfect seems to be a reference to the Second Coming of Christ, not the completed canon. Thus, the idea that Paul had in his mind a completed Scripture when referring to “perfect” is highly unlikely.
In fact, many of those who reject the sign gifts as still existing realize that this argument does not carry much weight.
Paul’s Illustrations Show That All the Gifts Are Still Necessary
The illustrations that the Apostle Paul used in 1 Corinthians 13 also demonstrates the need for all the gifts until Jesus Christ returns. He explained it this way to the Corinthians.
When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things. For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am know
In the first illustration, he speaks of the difference between childhood and maturity. The church, the body of Christ, will not reach maturity until Jesus Christ returns.
The practice of spiritual gifts is one of the ways in which the church is brought to this maturity. When the church has reached this point, then the gifts will be of no further use. Until that time the gifts are necessary.
He also used the illustration of a mirror.
Today we see only vague or imperfectly. It is only when we see Jesus Christ face to face that we will fully know all things. Again, there is the need for spiritual gifts until this state is attained.
It Is When Christ Returns That the Gift Will Cease
Paul’s reference to the cessation of prophecies, knowledge, and miracles is not meant to indicate the temporary nature of these gifts during the early period of the church age.
There will be no need for them only when Jesus Christ returns to the earth. Before He comes back, the gifts are absolutely necessary.
It must be mentioned that whatever the correct answer is to this question, nowhere in the New Testament do we find a statement that the gift of tongues was only temporary. To the contrary Paul told the Corinthians not to forbid people to speak in tongues. If the gift was only temporary then why don’t we find a direct statement in the Bible that says this? This omission has to be explained by those who argue that the gift of tongues has ceased.
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