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  1. G

    The Kerygma - God's Requirement for Salvation

    Another thread about Apologetics explains why Christian theism is the best belief or most logical answer to truthseekers’ questions concerning ultimate reality, because the New Testament (NT) God provides the only credible hope for attaining heaven and justice, the “duo of desirables” (DOD). The...
  2. G

    The Yoke of Christ?

    Perhaps that analogy is comparable to that of the one set of footprints in the sand: I dreamed I was walking along the beach with the Lord, and when I looked back at the footprints in the sand, I noticed that at the lowest and saddest times in my life, there was only one set of footprints, and...
  3. G

    Understanding God’s election

    Okay, so adding what you just said to my previous understanding, you believe the saved will be resurrected physically to rule with Christ on this new unheavenly earth for 1,000 years and then have access to the tree of life so they will continue to live on the new earth, which is a different...
  4. G

    The Holy Spirit and Salvation !

    This work is described in John as reproving the world of sin by exposing evil to the light of righteousness and judgment (JN 16:8, 3:20). And this light signifies the words of God’s Spirit, which give life (JN 6:63); the Spirit of truth, which testifies that Jesus is Messiah (JN 15:26) or...
  5. G

    Key OT Teachings

    On the contrary, the unique universe theory is one of the main evidences being used/cited in arguments by Christian apologists. Atheists hoped scientific evidence would support an oscillating universe, but they have failed to prove that is the fact.
  6. G

    The Error of KJV-Onlyism

    Yes, and everyone listened to the Top 40 on KOMA, but the world fractured during the LBJ fiasco following the end of Camelot. I hope God is working through MAGA to restore the good old days for the next generation.
  7. G

    Understanding God’s election

    So, I understand you to believe that those who are saved will be resurrected physically to rule with Christ on this new unheavenly earth for 1,000 years and then die. Correct?
  8. G

    Understanding God’s election

    Well, I doubt there are any Sadducee Christians!
  9. G

    Understanding God’s election

    I thought you were a Christian! What is your belief--for the third time?
  10. G

    Understanding God’s election

    Also see MT 25:46, 22:29-32, 1PT 1:4, HB 9:15, COL 3:1-4-- but why am I bothering to list anything more than 1CR 15:19? You are a Sadducee?!
  11. G

    Understanding God’s election

    Only the entire NT, but JN 3:16 is perhaps the best known. Do you think EPH 1:3-23 that we are studying is about a vacation in Kalamazoo?!
  12. G

    Understanding God’s election

    If you mean God determines human behavior, then you make man not responsible for repenting and God a hater of the ones not rescued from hell, which borders on blasphemy, because God is love; it is Satan who hates. Read the whole NT some day without projecting your own sinful hatred onto the HS!
  13. G

    Understanding God’s election

    Yes, and I follow neither Pelagius nor Arminius but base my MFWism on Scripture I have cited numerous times.
  14. G

    Understanding God’s election

    Yes, and the point from which it carries forward is past, the carrying on is present, and the forward is future.
  15. G

    Understanding God’s election

    Who cares about the millennial reign compared with eternity in heaven? (wherever that may be)
  16. G

    The Teachings of Paul (TOP)

    At this point Paul mentioned collecting a donation for the poor in Jerusalem, although he does not state a command or teaching (except by example). Paul ended this epistle by commanding love (16:14) and expressing his love (16:24, cf. TOP #106). Paul began 2CR by telling of trouble and...
  17. G

    Systematic Bible Study

    Collated: EPH 1:18-19a, “Your eyes of your understanding having been enlightened to perceive the hope of his calling and the fullness of the glory of his inheritance for the saints and the overwhelming greatness of his power for us the believing, like his mighty power…” New: EPH 19b-21 –...
  18. G

    Mining Secular Music for Biblical Nuggets

    How about this folk song by Paul Stookey? Well early in the morning, about the break of day, I ask the Lord, "Help me find the way!" Help me find the way to the promised land This lonely body needs a helping hand I ask the Lord to help me please find the way. When the new day's a dawning, I...
  19. G

    What did Jesus mean when he said to John, the baptist the reason he should be baptized is to fulfill all righteousness

    Yes, it is about Jesus obeying God the Father's will for Messiah to identify with sinful humanity and atone for humanity's sins. (HB 5:7-9, 4:15, 2:14-18)
  20. G

    What does it mean to be taken away in the spirit when having a vision

    It means you are the apostle Paul.