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  1. Pardizzle

    Would you date yourself?

    To be honest....I don't know that I would date somebody just like me. Not that I don't like myself or think that I'm a bad person or anything, but it's just that it's our differences, our silly quirks, and habits that make us who we are....and that can be attractive.
  2. Pardizzle

    Glad to have found this place

    Scotland huh?! That would be a really cool place to visit! Thanks and God bless you as well!
  3. Pardizzle

    Glad to have found this place

    Well thanks for the welcome AND the congrats! God is good isn't He!!!!
  4. Pardizzle

    Post your Pet

    Ummm....did he bite your thumb?
  5. Pardizzle

    Glad to have found this place

    Thank you sir, I appreciate the warm welcome! And about your Avatar...come on, everybody loves those guys!!!!
  6. Pardizzle

    Please pray for my cousin.

    Could I have a name to properly lift her up in prayer? Thanks, I will pray right now
  7. Pardizzle

    Post your Pet

    He says 'Hi' back
  8. Pardizzle

    More on free will

    This is a great thread, thanks! You mentioned about the Heart....You know how people always say 'follow your heart', or 'you can't help what the heart wants'.....well that couldn't be further from the truth! We actually should be Leading our heart, and not following it.
  9. Pardizzle

    Post your Pet

    Everybody...I would like you to meet Howie!!!
  10. Pardizzle

    Would you date yourself?

    Well now I know
  11. Pardizzle

    Would you date yourself?

    You're not alone there 2ndTime!!!!
  12. Pardizzle

    What's For Dinner

    Awwww man, I am gonna carve out some jalapeños, scoop cream cheese in there and wrap em up in bacon😋
  13. Pardizzle

    What's For Dinner

    So...they call you pie at work......weird but ok🤣🤣
  14. Pardizzle

    What's For Dinner

    Captain D's is so good!
  15. Pardizzle

    What Does It Mean Today When Someone Says, "I Want to Make Friends"?

    I think that Seoul makes a lot of good points here! I think it has a lot to do with people's motives.....'Making Friends' can mean many things I think. To some, there are no ulterior motives and they sincerely want to be your friend. But to others, it could be more of a convenience thing, not...
  16. Pardizzle

    What Does It Mean Today When Someone Says, "I Want to Make Friends"?

    Genesis 3:15 does say that "friendship with the world is enmity with God" yes, but I think this is referring to being totally submerged, and giving in to the ways of this world....and I am sure this is what you meant. Satan is only the ruler of the world because God is allowing him to be, but...
  17. Pardizzle

    a word of encouragement

    I know this may have been meant to be a 'one-time post' to encourage others? But, I would like to take my best shot at reviving this thread! There may be more recent posts similar to this, but reguardless, I think everyone needs a 'word of encouragement' from time to let me start by...
  18. Pardizzle

    Welcome One and All to The Singles Forum "Looking for People to Have Coffee With" Mighty Mingle!!

    1. My favorite color is Definitely BLUE!!! 2. I have never been skydiving, but something about it makes me want to! 3. I am a 1/4 grandmother was 100% Japanese, but wasn't blood related. 4. My interests include working out, working on cars (Sometimes), driving, and music. 5. I...
  19. Pardizzle

    Welcome One and All to The Singles Forum "Looking for People to Have Coffee With" Mighty Mingle!!

    Yeah, likely story Pipp🤣🤣🤣🤣 Just kidding, don't beat me up please😳