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  1. Pardizzle

    Random game.

  2. Pardizzle

    Random game.

  3. Pardizzle

    Random game.

  4. Pardizzle

    Random game.

  5. Pardizzle

    How Should We Pray?

    I think a very important part of prayer is giving thanks to God! After all, we would not be here, nor have what we have if it weren't for Him! I do a lot of my talking to God/praying while I am driving.....because its a quiet place for me
  6. Pardizzle

    How Should We Pray?

    Its actually amazing I think, how when you just close your eyes and lift up your hands during praise and worship....its pretty powerful
  7. Pardizzle

    Random game.

    Tip top
  8. Pardizzle

    Random game.

  9. Pardizzle

    Random game.

  10. Pardizzle

    Random game.

  11. Pardizzle

    How Should We Pray?

    Thank you for your response, I appreciate it! I completely agree with what you have said, and practice this way, I just thought this would make for a great/fun discussion....that's why I started this.
  12. Pardizzle

    What was your fave cartoon as a kid and why?

    I remember She-Ra. Speaking of Garfield, I can't wait until that new Garfield movie comes out!
  13. Pardizzle

    Would you date yourself?

  14. Pardizzle

    Would you date yourself?

    What do you know????
  15. Pardizzle

    What was your fave cartoon as a kid and why?

    In the words of Homer Simpson, "I am so smart, I am so smart.......S. M. R. T."!!!!!! 🤣🤣🤣
  16. Pardizzle

    How Should We Pray?

    I know my thoughts on this, but I would like to know how others view this topic of prayer......I thought it might be a good discussion. A few scenarios to get your mind going..... 1. Do you have to have your eyes closed when praying? 2. Do you have to physically be in a specific (kneeling or...
  17. Pardizzle

    Voice of God

    Being able to discern the difference between God speaking to us or not, isn't always easy and straight forward. I can tell you this though, if what we think is God speaking to us, contradicts in ANY way from what the Bible tells us....then it is not from God!
  18. Pardizzle

    How do you know if you have truly forgiven someone?

    Forgiveness is an 'everyday challenge' sometimes. I once heard a pastor say that "one way to know if we have truly forgiven someone or not, is if we can sincerely ask God to bless this person!" I recently was confronted with this issue myself, thats why its fresh on my mind😊
  19. Pardizzle

    Praying makes me so exhausted and feel bad afterwards

    My personal opinion about prayer is.....asking for something from God is great and everything, but I believe that the most important part of prayer is giving thanks to God! Ever since I came ti this realization, I began my prayers with thanksgiving (there are so many things we can be thankful...
  20. Pardizzle

    Afraid of the Holy Spirit?

    I am curious myself, as to why you have this fear of God? I fear God as well, but its more of a respect kinda fear...if ya know what I mean. It's like with should respect them and know the harm they can do if not treated properly; or how you fear a father figure (its more of a...