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  1. Pardizzle

    Just for fun

    Oh no, I mean accelerate time just at work lol
  2. Pardizzle

    Last person to post wins!!!

    Lol well thank ya thank ya!!!
  3. Pardizzle

    Nothing but questions. Jeopardy lol. Plus, I didn't wanna ruin the game!
  4. Pardizzle

    H-H-How Much C-C-Coffee Have You Had This Morning?

    My vise is energy drinks...I know they are not good for me, but old habits die hard.
  5. Pardizzle

    Just for fun

    How about Time Acceleration?! You would get to work...and then speed up time whenever you'd like
  6. Pardizzle

    Just for fun

    I'll put in a good word for ya😊
  7. Pardizzle

    How Often Does a Woman Expect a Man with a "Good Salary" to Actually Be Home?

    This is a very good topic of discussion, good job....I can relate
  8. Pardizzle

    Give me bad advice...

    I'll have to take you up on that next time....first time I just got lucky I guess😳🤣
  9. Pardizzle

    Pray for guidance

    While you do need to be careful about getting involved with someone unequally yoked from you, it doesn't mean that you should steer clear of them. What I mean is, although it may not be fit for a relationship between the two of you, maybe God is bringing them into your life for another...
  10. Pardizzle

    Seek first the kingdom of God

    You just described God....just sayin😊
  11. Pardizzle

    (Potentially) Profound Thoughts

    Yes ma'am, that's where I got it from!!
  12. Pardizzle

    Seek first the kingdom of God

    I have learned in life (here recently actually) that God probably isn't going to give you more, until you learn to be truly content with where you are at, and with what you have/do not have. Just like Paul said in the Bible, be content no matter what.....he was is prison but still singing and...
  13. Pardizzle

    Seek first the kingdom of God

    Sounds like God led you to this site....God works in mysterious ways huh?!😁 Glad to have you here Janelle!
  14. Pardizzle

    Nothing but questions.

    What is fried chicken?
  15. Pardizzle

    Nothing but questions.

    Isn't Mr Bojangles the name of the dude's mouse on the movie Green Mile?
  16. Pardizzle

    Last person to post wins!!!

    Awww man🤦‍♂️
  17. Pardizzle

    How Should We Pray?

    Thank you for that!
  18. Pardizzle

    How Should We Pray?

    Yes ma'am, I agree 110%.....ya can't beat it! I also tear up whenever I think about how God has blessed me, I hope those feelings never go away. God is so good to us, isn't He?
  19. Pardizzle

    Random game.

  20. Pardizzle

    Random game.
