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  1. Pardizzle

    Share Your Interests, Hobbies, Collections

    My hobbies and interests include: Working out (it's a lifestyle for me); I like to work on cars (I don't mind getting dirty and greasy); I thoroughly enjoy nature, and I am often amazed at God's creations! Now that I have more time on my hands, I am finding out new and different things I want...
  2. Pardizzle

    Anyone like to chat about God.

    I enjoy talking about God and what He has done for me! It actually brings tears to my eyes to think about what He has done, and how He has blessed me!
  3. Pardizzle

    What was your fave cartoon as a kid and why?

    I watched the Simpsons as a kid....probably saw every episode they made?
  4. Pardizzle

    Would you date yourself?

    I would not date myself....I don't date guys😁
  5. Pardizzle

    Come One, Come All... It's Time for An Official CC Roll Call!!

    Of course! And thanks for making me feel welcome
  6. Pardizzle

    Just chat

  7. Pardizzle

    Last person to post wins!!!

    I'm just here for the FREE food.....
  8. Pardizzle

    Nothing but questions.

    Have you ever had Bojangles chicken?
  9. Pardizzle

    Come One, Come All... It's Time for An Official CC Roll Call!!

    1. NAME YOU'D LIKE TO BE CALLED: Matt is my real name, but Pardizzle or Pardewsky are okay too 2. COMFY OUTFIT OF CHOICE: At work or out, it's Jeans/cargo shorts and a t-shirt. At home, it's more comfy shorts or sweats......I do love to dress up and look snazzy though too, when the occasion...
  10. Pardizzle

    Come One, Come All... It's Time for An Official CC Roll Call!!

    Oh I understand......if you plan to go through a drive thru and get an ice cream cone here in Texas summer heat, you'd better eat it fast before it melts! On the other hand, I lived in California for two years on Camp Pendleton, and most of Base housing didn't even have A/C😳😳😳.....its a luxury...
  11. Pardizzle

    Come One, Come All... It's Time for An Official CC Roll Call!!

    Oh I am sure it does! But if you have ever been to Texas and had the joy of experiencing our hot summers, then you would totally understand!
  12. Pardizzle

    Come One, Come All... It's Time for An Official CC Roll Call!!

    Haha, I laughed reading your experiences! Once when I was younger, my mom took me and my two brothers to a Dairy Queen to get Blizzards. You know how they turn the blizzards upside down for you at the window? Well he turned them upside down and one came out of the was hilarious to me🤣🤣🤣
  13. Pardizzle

    Glad to have found this place

    Thank you, and YES coffee would be great!!!
  14. Pardizzle

    Just want to give God praise!

    Yes He is!
  15. Pardizzle

    Give me bad advice...

    Ummm....go play in traffic???
  16. Pardizzle

    Please pray for me I want to end my life

    I am stopping what I am doing right now, and lifting you up in prayer. You are very important to God and He loves you!