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  1. Pardizzle

    Random game.

  2. Pardizzle

    Random game.

  3. Pardizzle

    Random game.

  4. Pardizzle


    You got that right! Good post
  5. Pardizzle


    Well I'm not too embarrassed to I will start. I recently about 6 months ago went through what led to a divorce after 15yrs. Well I have 3 kids, and unfortunately this has put unwanted strain, even built a wall you could say, between my two older kids and myself. I am not worried about...
  6. Pardizzle

    Seek first the kingdom of God

    Just wanted to check in and see how things were going?
  7. Pardizzle

    Can someone please help/ talk to me

    To piggyback off of what Jimbone said.....I understand how frustrating this circumstance may be, but in the end what really matters is God, and God ALWAYS welcomes us with open arms! When it feels like nobody is there for you, we always have a friend in Jesus! I know its hard sometimes to focus...
  8. Pardizzle

    Random game.

  9. Pardizzle

    The Banned Game

    Cattywampus....I like that! Thanks for the directions🤣🤣
  10. Pardizzle

    Nothing but questions.

    What was I thinking?🤦‍♂️🤷‍♂️
  11. Pardizzle

    The Banned Game

    Is this a story from a comic book?
  12. Pardizzle

    Nothing but questions.

    Do you like ketchup or mayo on your burger?
  13. Pardizzle

    Nothing but questions.

    Thats why I changed it lol
  14. Pardizzle

    The Chicken Or The Egg

    This thread is making me hungry😳
  15. Pardizzle


    Maybe you could say its a Roadmap for those of us who long to be Christlike????
  16. Pardizzle

    Speak Your Mind.

    Doesn't it go something had to tie a pork chop around my neck, just to get the dog to play with me????
  17. Pardizzle

    Speak Your Mind.

    So I was wanting to talk about the subject of..........OOOO SQUIRREL!!!! 😳🤣
  18. Pardizzle

    Word Association

  19. Pardizzle

    Who do you fear most?

    I agree, there is no need to be fearful of anything this world can throw at us!
  20. Pardizzle

    Who else is celebrating their birthday?

    Happy Birthday to you, and may God bless you!!!!