"An Open Letter to a Pentecostalist...
...letter written several years ago to a dear friend who became caught in the modern Pentecostal/Charismatic movement. It is, in part, a response to a religious tract he sent
to me from the United Pentecostal Church called, “The Apostle’s Doctrine.” I realize, of
course, that many others who call themselves Pentecostal or Charismatic would not
agree with the teaching of this tract. Therefore, it is up to each individual to discern
whether they believe the doctrine that I have endeavored to answer...
...Dear Terry,
Hello again in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! It was nice to hear from you again
and know that your doctor’s appointment has been moved up. I pray that you can
find relief from suffering very soon. But remember, the Lord has many spiritual
lessons He can teach in the midst of suffering. If you pray only for deliverance
from trouble, you may miss God’s lessons to be learned in suffering as well as
through it (2 Cor. 1:3-11; 4:8-18; 12:1-10)...
...I have read the tracts you sent to me including the one on tongues...
Some people will not study through literature with which they think they will
disagree. I think this is a wrong attitude. As people who want to know and stand
for the truth, it is necessary to examine each biblical subject from varying theological
views, then compare and contrast using the Scriptures and the Holy Spirit’s teaching
to discern what is right...
...The objection I had with your soul winner’s tract was that it tries to use guilt as the
motivating force to get people to witness. It says in effect, “Shame on you for not
witnessing.” When our service for Christ is based on fear, shame, and guilt, the
emphasis is definitely in the wrong place.
We need to get back to Grace motivation in the dispensation of Grace. Paul said,
“the Love of Christ Constraineth us” to live unto Him Which died and rose again
(2 Cor. 5:14,15).
When I read his epistles, the first thing he does is establish the believers in the
sound doctrine, telling them of their spiritual blessings and who they are in Christ.
He then uses the love and gratitude produced thereby to encourage them to loving
worship and service...
(K Lawson)
FULL info:
An Open Letter to a Pentecostalist
An Open Letter to a Pentecostalist (Part 2)
Grace, Peace, And JOY In Christ, And In His Word Of Truth, Rightly
Divided (+ I and II)!
...letter written several years ago to a dear friend who became caught in the modern Pentecostal/Charismatic movement. It is, in part, a response to a religious tract he sent
to me from the United Pentecostal Church called, “The Apostle’s Doctrine.” I realize, of
course, that many others who call themselves Pentecostal or Charismatic would not
agree with the teaching of this tract. Therefore, it is up to each individual to discern
whether they believe the doctrine that I have endeavored to answer...
...Dear Terry,
Hello again in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! It was nice to hear from you again
and know that your doctor’s appointment has been moved up. I pray that you can
find relief from suffering very soon. But remember, the Lord has many spiritual
lessons He can teach in the midst of suffering. If you pray only for deliverance
from trouble, you may miss God’s lessons to be learned in suffering as well as
through it (2 Cor. 1:3-11; 4:8-18; 12:1-10)...
...I have read the tracts you sent to me including the one on tongues...
Some people will not study through literature with which they think they will
disagree. I think this is a wrong attitude. As people who want to know and stand
for the truth, it is necessary to examine each biblical subject from varying theological
views, then compare and contrast using the Scriptures and the Holy Spirit’s teaching
to discern what is right...
...The objection I had with your soul winner’s tract was that it tries to use guilt as the
motivating force to get people to witness. It says in effect, “Shame on you for not
witnessing.” When our service for Christ is based on fear, shame, and guilt, the
emphasis is definitely in the wrong place.
We need to get back to Grace motivation in the dispensation of Grace. Paul said,
“the Love of Christ Constraineth us” to live unto Him Which died and rose again
(2 Cor. 5:14,15).
When I read his epistles, the first thing he does is establish the believers in the
sound doctrine, telling them of their spiritual blessings and who they are in Christ.
He then uses the love and gratitude produced thereby to encourage them to loving
worship and service...
(K Lawson)
FULL info:
An Open Letter to a Pentecostalist
An Open Letter to a Pentecostalist (Part 2)
Grace, Peace, And JOY In Christ, And In His Word Of Truth, Rightly
Divided (+ I and II)!
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