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  1. E

    The Trinity according to the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD

    I have trouble with #4. Yes all three is God but not all equal in authority. Jesus is given all authority in Philippians 2: 9Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, 10so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth...
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    An End-time Revival??!!??

    We should remember that Jesus judging the 7 churches happens before the rapture.
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    An End-time Revival??!!??

    Barnes' Notes on the Bible That judgment must begin - The word "judgment" here (κρίμα krima) seems to mean "the severe trial which would determine character." It refers to such calamities as would settle the question whether there was any religion, or would test the value of that which was...
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    An End-time Revival??!!??

    Please listen, this is really happening! Churches are closing, Denominations are losing members & nearly going broke. Even many independent churches are closing. Members are staying home, with some going to the megachurches that feed them excitement as worship & give them moral works to do to...
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    'Turning from sin'

    If that's what you believe, to you the end-time apostasy would be false. And it's not. I just want you to see what you need to see.
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    An End-time Revival??!!??

    That's already been happening for years.
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    An End-time Revival??!!??

    Definitely not.:)
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    'Turning from sin'

    What then happens to those who talk a good talk but don't walk the walk? They were never saved in the first place?!?
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    Actually it does. Those "falling away" do so by choice. But they are without excuse, because God created us in Christ Jesus unto good works, that we should walk in them. Blessings.:)
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    Maybe someone should start an Op called SO MANY FALSE ARMCHAIR THEOLOGIANS TODAY!!!!!!!!!!! Just thinking outloud....
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    'Turning from sin'

    And the permanence of that is dependent on us continuing in the faith, with works following. Jesus said a branch without fruit is thrown in the fire & burned.
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    Out of tune with church music

    But is it interesting to note that Bethel church teaches tons of false doctrine, their disciples receive it, then some of these same disciples write & sing so-called worship songs? We should remember the Word that says: Luke 6:43“For no good tree bears bad fruit, nor again does a bad tree bear...
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    ChatGPT is an Open Source AI

    An old saying about computers is still true today: garbage in, garbage out. Dare we to think the global elitists have our best interests at heart? Should we trust that these same globalists haven't tainted AI with misinformation to fool the masses? Is there a better way to rewrite history? Satan...
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    It’s coming for you - Hawaii fire planned - Goal to create smart AI island

    I still remember the California fires. I saw pics of subdivisions on fire where houses were spaced far apart, & there were few trees. Yet the houses were burnt to the ground, & cars were burnt to a crisp. There were green trees here & there that mostly weren't touched, & streets were not...
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    Narcissism Exposed

    When talking about narcissists in the church, it's no laughing matter. Such people are led by/ possessed by the devil.
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    An End-time Revival??!!??

    Is there any other way Christ can get His church ready for His coming in these last days besides judgment? When I look at the church going through everything today, I can think of nothing else but judgment. I see nothing else but judgment. What are your conclusions?
  17. E

    How many Christians are all words and no actions?

    How many Christians are all words and no actions? Many. Just because they go to church doesn't mean they're saved. Some are full of good works due to their wealth, but still don't do so in faith. There's a lot of 'good ole boys' that would give you the shirts off their backs without using an...
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    'Turning from sin'

    By grace thru faith is how it's done. English Standard Version Eph 2:8 For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, through - Strong's Concordance dia: through, on account of, because of Original Word: διά Part of Speech: Preposition...
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    'Turning from sin'

    Christ is in us, our hope of glory. It only seems right because He is LORD, He would expect certain things for us to do for Him. To me, working out our salvation with fear & trembling would include doing what Christ wants us to do. Since when does God NOT expect obedience? Since when can we...
  20. E

    'Turning from sin'

    mmm Uh-huh.