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  1. E

    The Glasgow razor boy and eternal security

    Because sinners cannot fall away from being sinners. I thought that was a no-brainer.
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    The Glasgow razor boy and eternal security

    Millions ARE falling away from the faith. The falling away is the Great Apostasy, where christians rebel from God by accepting false doctrine, which, BTW, they are doing right now.
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    What time is it? Part I

    No, not the church. Most likely the Holy Spirit, but could possibly be Michael, Israel's prince.
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    According to the OT, a false prophet was also known to repeat the words of true prophets. So when people saw his/her fruits, they were good, but...that fruit wasn't theirs. You might say false prophets were also fruit stealers. :)
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    The Glasgow razor boy and eternal security

    With televangelists who have fallen all over the place, millions leaving the church, & I guess you're going to say either they're still saved regardless or all these people weren't saved in the first place? Heb 6:4 For it is impossible, in the case of those who have once been enlightened and...
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    The Glasgow razor boy and eternal security

    My, my, here we go again. It seems to me some people forgot what biblical time we're in. How is it we believe in choosing Christ, but it's impossible to unchoose Him? Why does the devil fight so hard to destroy us spiritually IF we can't be?
  7. E

    Miracle workers who couldn't heal themselves!!!

    "TV evangelists" are shysters, diverting money from poor people, while teaching miracles, healings, & the like are guilty of 2 major sins: 1. Teaching false doctrine to the max, and 2. Even worse, spreading unbelief among true christians. This is why some on here don't believe in much of...
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    This question is for Pretribulational advocates but anybody can chime in.

    This is what I've found so far...1Thess. 5:9 For God has not destined us for wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ, The Tribulation is all about the judgment on the world & the fallen of the church - wrath. So we're not supposed to be there when it happens.
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    The biblicalness of Bible college

    Wait... you're telling me this was taught by some of those 'trustworthy' church fathers?
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    Stage is being set for the future Antichrist

    There will be no nuclear war against Israel because they're so small the radiation would spread to the other countries around it, making them all uninhabitable. The enemies want to TAKE the land, not destroy it.
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    Is obedience the key to peace?

    It is true that obedience is greater than sacrifice(1Sam 15:22), but to keep our hearts & minds on the Lord in faith brings peace. Isa 26:1 In that day this song will be sung in the land of Judah: “We have a strong city; he sets up salvation as walls and bulwarks. 2Open the gates, that the...
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    Do our words carry the same power as God?

    While that is true, the scripture is also for today.
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    Do our words carry the same power as God?

    Is it? Matt 13:53And when Jesus had finished these parables, he went away from there, 54and coming to his hometown he taught them in their synagogue, so that they were astonished, and said, “Where did this man get this wisdom and these mighty works? 55Is not this the carpenter’s son? Is not his...
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    Do our words carry the same power as God?

    It amazes me that folks want to label multiple churches under the same category as false churches because of their "experiences". I get it. I've been burned,too. But I'm not going to judge them all because of a hand full. I wouldn't want to receive the judgment of God for such. NO bad experience...
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    Do our words carry the same power as God?

    I never said one scripture... you did that yourself. You seem to find all the perfect examples of false doctrines & judge every Pentecostal church because of them. Maybe you don't understand that's how the devil gives all churches a bad name. I would be careful not to do what he does otherwise...
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    Do our words carry the same power as God?

    I'm afraid you're correct about WOF'ers claiming these teachings. But... that doesn't make these teachings any less correct. So many throw out the baby(true doctrine) with the bathwater (WOF'ers) just because someone misuses scripture. You DO realize if we did that every time someone misused...
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    The biblicalness of Bible college

    And from them we have the allegorical method of biblical exegesis that was taught for 5 centuries.:rolleyes::eek:
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    Do our words carry the same power as God?

    If you call them names, you will destroy your witness to WOF'ers on CC, & never win them over. The law of love must prevail.
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    The biblicalness of Bible college

    You may not realize the fact that you are looking down on other denominations & insulting God's people when you state things like this. As a Pentecostal myself, I have went through many of the things you have. I had to leave my organization because of such things & become an independent. I HAD...