Whenever there is discontent and turbulence, could the root likely every time be in disobedience?
In families when the hierarchy is forgotten or disregarded. In kingdoms when subjects rebel against authority. Struggles result where nobody is willing to back down, so nobody is happy.
The Bible advises slaves to obey their masters. It advises men to obey God, wives obey husbands, children obey parents. It is when this chain of being is distorted that the trouble starts. Divorce, estrangement, war. Each person wanting to do as they please.
It is hard always to obey, when it means self sacrifice, there is no way without a price. The sacrifice of ego, self comfort, ease, self interest.
So should we cultivate in ourselves the quality of obedience?
In families when the hierarchy is forgotten or disregarded. In kingdoms when subjects rebel against authority. Struggles result where nobody is willing to back down, so nobody is happy.
The Bible advises slaves to obey their masters. It advises men to obey God, wives obey husbands, children obey parents. It is when this chain of being is distorted that the trouble starts. Divorce, estrangement, war. Each person wanting to do as they please.
It is hard always to obey, when it means self sacrifice, there is no way without a price. The sacrifice of ego, self comfort, ease, self interest.
So should we cultivate in ourselves the quality of obedience?
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