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  1. T

    How to be Born Again

    And yet the bible is literally filled with unregenerated people believing God . So it must mean your interpretation is wrong . If it said unregenerated people cannot believe the Gospel unless they are regenerated first you would have a point . Your adding the extra bit into ' cannot please God...
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    How to be Born Again

    Yes. What in there do you think someone could possibly teach contrary to it ? Where is this sect that believes they can 'birth 'themselves ?
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    How to be Born Again

    This is really a silly argument ,it amazes me why this verse is brought up . Do you think some believe they regenerate themselves?
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    How to be Born Again

    Hab 2.4 ( OT ) 4Behold, his soul which is lifted up is not upright in him: but the just shall live by HIS faith. Heb 11 ( OT ) 4¶By faith Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, by which he obtained witness that he was righteous, God testifying of his gifts: and by it he...
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    How to be Born Again

    From the old testament alone how would you know they were regenerated? What verse says so . I don't mean inference because of what we see in the New testament.
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    How to be Born Again

    Yes I understand the syllogism Calvinism teaches based on Augustines views leading to regeneration precedes faith. The bible however never says this ,so its a man made theology. The bible however says faith comes by hearing. The bible says it pleases him when people believe. What calvinism...
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    Why do Calvinists believe things the bible doesnt say ?

    Here's an example of what I mean by verses that literally ' SAYS' the thing you believe. Eph 1.13 13¶In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise, 14Which is...
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    Why do Calvinists believe things the bible doesnt say ?

    Do you have a verse that says ' man cannot believe the Gospel, unless regenerated first ' ? Anywhere that says ' irresistible grace ' ?
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    Why do Calvinists believe things the bible doesnt say ?

    Each verse doesn't ' SAY ' What you believe about them. Just quoting verses doesn't mean they SAY what you mean.. You'd have to show a verse with the explanation you think its SAYING . One verse at a time . I'm meaning literally a verse that SAYS the thing believed. Not inferred .
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    Why do Calvinists believe things the bible doesnt say ?

    Every Christian should believe ' predestination ' its a word found in our bible . It means to set a destination ahead of time . It means after a person is saved he is ' Predestined ' to the Adoption which happens when the Lord returns . Rom 8.23 Predestination is of existing saints to...
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    Elementary school children meditating new age style

    This is why we home school . Things like this .
  12. T

    How to be Born Again

    ' cannot...compute ...I must de fault to a ro ..must come ..back to regeneration precedes faith ..I have syllogism.. a) cannot be b) without c) a robot for the system...cannot access scripture , only the system...I cannot answer beyond this ...I do ...not...
  13. T

    The gospel of the kingdom, the everlasting gospel, gospel of Christ, etc.

    " God s good news is from Genesis to revelation, its all good news every word, even the bad stuff . Ah yes good news, good news, good news . His plan from alllllll ages ,from start to finish, he always knew his plan in his mind the good news ,the plan from beginning to end to , he knew ...
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    Not By Works

    Is it a good idea to take instruction not directed at you ? Isn't it also a mistake to take such teachings pick out similar sounding phrases and combine them in a wishy washy manner . Isnt God precise? does he stutter ? Eternal security is only a fact in the church age . What happens due to not...
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    Not By Works

    Is it a good idea to center your theology prior to the greatest events in the bible. The death, burial, resurrection, the giving of the Holy Spirit, the start of the body of christ ?
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    Not By Works

    Yes I've heard of the ' Church began since Adam doctrine ' . However the scriptures say the ' church ' is the body of Christ which happens only by the Holy Spirit baptising us into the body ( Jew / gentile) Which ONLY began after acts 2 .
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    Not By Works

    * not stop
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    Not By Works

    Because Paul teaches it in Corinthians. Foot washing is absent.
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    Not By Works

    Peter warned people would not understand Paul's teachings . You seem to not notice Paul's teachings . Your still before the cross . God did not speaking in the four Gospels contrary to certain denominations .
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    Not By Works

    Was the Death ,burial and resurrection Just as casual as you described the giving of the Holy spirit in Acts 2 ? Or did things change?