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  1. G


    you know, my grandfather was a mason. I am really getting sick of this " all mason's are satanic " load of garbage. any group or organization is going to have some bad people, probably some luciferians , at the top. but to just label every person who happens to belong to a mason lodge, or a...
  2. G

    Not By Works

    it seems, as all the legalists do, that " yes, works save ".
  3. G

    Alyssa Milano Calls For A "Sex-Strike" Due To Additional States' New "Heartbeat" Bills

    you, conspiracy theory king, said this and x'd me? that is a good one.....
  4. G

    Did Jesus ever tell us that we no longer need to keep the law of Moses?

    here is the thing that the judeaizers ignore- the Law was a COVENANT made with God and Israel at Sinai . at the end of Leviticus, God mentions to Moses the covenant made with the fathers of those who came out of Egypt . so, unless you can trace your ancestry back to those who crossed the red...
  5. G

    Alyssa Milano Calls For A "Sex-Strike" Due To Additional States' New "Heartbeat" Bills

    just look up " Luther and Hitler " and / or " Luther and Nazi's ". lots of info,
  6. G

    Alyssa Milano Calls For A "Sex-Strike" Due To Additional States' New "Heartbeat" Bills

    sorry, I am normally in agreement with you, but there is plenty of evidence of the Nazi's using Luther's writing about the Jews as justification for what they did.
  7. G

    Alyssa Milano Calls For A "Sex-Strike" Due To Additional States' New "Heartbeat" Bills

    look up Martin Luther " jews and their lies ", this was a major influence on hitler
  8. G

    Not By Works

    here is the website pushing.
  9. G

    Not By Works

    anyone who just shows up, starts to berate others, and then starts to push a website, might as well just move along. nothing to see ...
  10. G

    Not By Works

    you got anything on the definition of sin? I quoted it to you yesterday? also, the Sermon on the Mount is the gold standard for Christ followers to act like. do you keep those standards every hour of every day?
  11. G

    Not By Works

    notice, when you point out the actual definition of sin to a sinless perfectionist deceiver, they suddenly, after yelling about not sinning, they get quiet........
  12. G

    Not By Works

    I could care less about what some website says. I do care about this- the Biblical definition of sin is missing the mark, falling short of a standard , knowing to do good and not doing so, so, do you live up to these? do you uphold the Sermon on the Mount 24/7. if you cannot truthfully say...
  13. G

    Not By Works

    well, we have a self-deceived sinless perfectionist. have not ha one in a while, guess we were do.
  14. G

    global warming will destroy the Earth

    yes, there was the " ice age " push in the 70's , then in the 80's " the ozone layer is being destroyed , we will eventually have to wear gas masks outside, then in the 90's " the African killer bees are heading up through south America, large parts of the south and southeast will be infested...
  15. G

    Retire the Ten Commandments?

    the Christian " Sabbath " is the Lord's Day.
  16. G

    Alyssa Milano Calls For A "Sex-Strike" Due To Additional States' New "Heartbeat" Bills

    you know, flat earthers , moonlanding was faked, holocaust deniers, the jews in Israel know are fake jews, Zionism runs the world, etc.. they are all just different heads of the same delusional snake, that when they find truth, easily provable truth, like many Nazi scientists were brought to...
  17. G

    Alyssa Milano Calls For A "Sex-Strike" Due To Additional States' New "Heartbeat" Bills

    ah, operation paperclip. this, people, is well worth doing some research on.
  18. G

    Retire the Ten Commandments?

    but, I am speaking specifically or the Sabbath, which Christ followers do NOT have to keep as the twilight fri. till twilight sat. as the Torah laid out, because entole does NOT carry a specific meaning of Torah, which is where, of course the command of Sabbath was given. nice try at a bait and...