Perhaps you can make some reasonable attempt to defend your position from Scripture. A single verse (that doesn't mention tithing) isn't going to do it.
That’s circularity if I ever saw it… and it’s ridiculous. Please end this charade before you hurt yourself. You have no business attempting to instruct anyone in biblical matters.
If you can provide a link for the source, include it in a Report to the Moderator here. Since the OP isn't interested in receiving sound biblical teaching, he needs to be shown the door.
Scripture does not teach, encourage, require, command, or even hint that Christians are to "tithe". It does, however, strongly teach that Christians are to give. They are not the same thing.
Yelling (using an excessively large font or all caps) is not going to get you anywhere.
And no, that is not what the tree of knowledge is about. As I said previously, you may be quoting Scripture (in other posts) but you clearly do not understand it. Please, stop trying to teach others when you...
Yada yada yada. You can’t defend your position so you start whining that you’re being attacked. You aren’t the first snowflake I’ve encountered. I am certain that you don’t take Jesus’ words about gouging out your eye literally, so you have no ground to criticize me for not taking certain parts...
You must be struggling through life with only one eye and one hand, having gouged out/chopped off the other. Any other thoughtless comments you'd like to add?
Next time, read carefully what I wrote before responding to me.
You can think whatever you like, but your position is not biblically sound. There are parts of Scripture that are non-literal; Genesis 3 is not one of them...
You certainly don't have the Holy Spirit interpreting Scripture for you. That's painfully obvious.