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  1. Dino246

    The Holy Trinity in the first three verses of the Bible!

    That linguistic similarity doesn’t work in Hebrew, so it is irrelevant. The text states, ‘God said, “Let there be light” and there was light’. It says nothing about the shekinah, no matter how much you want it to. It also says nothing about the light emanating from Himself. You cannot...
  2. Dino246

    Alcohol - a world wide phenomena

    From what source did you get these ‘rules’?
  3. Dino246

    The Holy Trinity in the first three verses of the Bible!

    You are conflating physical light with the Light of the world. I don’t believe that is warranted.
  4. Dino246

    The Holy Trinity in the first three verses of the Bible!

    It’s your thread; you are trying to make a point that the text doesn’t support.
  5. Dino246

    The Holy Trinity in the first three verses of the Bible!

    Again, you are making a claim that is completely unsupported by the text.
  6. Dino246

    What is your motivation for tithing?

    If the “spirit” moving on your heart is not speaking in line with Scripture, it isn’t the Spirit of God.
  7. Dino246

    What is your motivation for tithing?

    That has nothing to do with tithing.
  8. Dino246

    Useless information

    ... and are thankful for that.
  9. Dino246

    Jesus said understand it and know it! Do you?

    Don't worry about it... I'll try to sort through it when I have the energy. I would suggest that you cut back on the emphasis though. After all, if everything is important, nothing is important.
  10. Dino246

    What is your motivation for tithing?

    Do you consider it a "sin" if you don't surrender a tenth of your income to your local church? If so, which "law" tells you to do that? There isn't one in my Bible.
  11. Dino246

    Definition of FAITH in the NT

    My apologies; I should have re-read your OP before commenting directly on it. Generally, it appears that we agree. I stand on Hebrews 11:1, and everything else is unpacking or nuancing. Much of your OP is dealing with specific applications rather than starting with a basic definition; it would...
  12. Dino246

    What is your motivation for tithing?

    Actually, the concept first appears in Genesis 14, and there is absolutely no record in Scripture that Jacob personally fulfilled that vow.
  13. Dino246

    How Much of an Ethnicity Does One Have to Be In Order to Be Able to Claim It?

    I identify as non-Bidenary. Ethnicity is both overblown and under-appreciated. If you listen to the advocates of so-called "Critical Race Theory", your value as a human depends on your ethnicity (gee... there's already a word for that!). If you follow Scripture, there is one "race" only. There...
  14. Dino246

    It may not be over yet.

    It's not that new. Scientists in my province have been doing that for over a year. The summary results have been featured on the local news.
  15. Dino246

    Do not lobby for your interpretation on my personal page. If you have a comment regarding my...

    Do not lobby for your interpretation on my personal page. If you have a comment regarding my posts in a certain thread, put it there.
  16. Dino246

    Jesus said understand it and know it! Do you?

    I'll respond to your post on one condition: that you remove all marks of emphasis (bold, italic, and capitalization). Frankly, it's hard to read, and I'm not in the mood to wade through it.
  17. Dino246

    Jesus said understand it and know it! Do you?

    I don't subscribe to labels, because of exactly that kind of assumptive question. That you ask as you do tells me that you are dismissive of any person who holds an opinion with which you disagree. I see no reason to continue conversing with you.
  18. Dino246

    Jesus said understand it and know it! Do you?

    Asked and answered: persecution of Christians.
  19. Dino246

    What is your motivation for tithing?

    So do you also stone the adulterers in your congregation? Do you exclude those with skin diseases and women during their monthly flow? Do you go to Jerusalem three times a year? I doubt it. You have three options: 1. The entire Law as given through Moses is binding upon Christians (in...
  20. Dino246

    What is your motivation for tithing?

    Many, perhaps, but certainly not all. There is plenty of instruction in the New Testament regarding giving. There is no need to dredge up Old Covenant laws to manipulate people into doing so. Exactly. :)