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  1. Dude653

    The hadron collider

    You're going on ignore now. If anyone wants to have an actual conversation, I'm here
  2. Dude653

    The hadron collider

    Not interested in that poop conspiracy theories here. There's an entire forum here for that But this exact mentality is why America is gradually turning into a third world country because people have such a disdain for science I believe it was Thomas Jefferson who said why would God give us...
  3. Dude653

    The hadron collider

    Particle physics and something that goes over my head it's fascinating stuff They're looking for something called the Higgs boson which they believe is the most base subatomic particle that basically holds the universe together But there are all matters of cuckoo conspiracy theory saying they...
  4. Dude653

    Jordan Peterson suspended from Twitter

    Ben Shapiro always talks like he just snorted three lines of cocaine He also has that annoying helium voice
  5. Dude653

    Stranger Things is overrated

    Kind of feel like the only reason this show called on was for the '80s nostalgia I watched the first two seasons and I probably won't finish it because the plot it's too slow and all the characters are boring in one dimensional No spoilers for those who might be interested in watching it but...
  6. Dude653

    Roe vs WADE is : GONE......

    Remember when federal agencies had to tell America that black people have rights?
  7. Dude653

    Jordan Peterson suspended from Twitter

    I don't really dislike Jordan peterson. He's had some really good constructive debates with Sam Harris it's just getting him to say what he really believes theologically is like trying to nail Jello to the wall
  8. Dude653

    Jordan Peterson suspended from Twitter

    Twitter is a horrible format anyway because can only type like two sentences at a time. That makes it pretty much impossible to have any reasonable discourse with anyone. People mostly just tweet stuff for shock value
  9. Dude653

    Jordan Peterson suspended from Twitter

    But getting Jordan to say what he really believes theologically is like trying to nail Jello to a wall. And his debates with Sam Harris and Matt dillahunty he admitted that he thinks the Bible is just stories and metaphors So if the Bible is your stories and metaphors there's no such thing as...
  10. Dude653

    Jordan Peterson suspended from Twitter

    I'm really not a huge Jordan Peterson fan because I feel like most of it what he says is just fluff, but I don't think what he said was suspension worthy. Especially since isis still has their Twitter account. So we clearly have a double standard here I do think Peterson contradicts himself...
  11. Dude653


    There's a whole mutually assured destruction thing Also imagine you're the guy who's been older to push the button. You know if you push that button you're going to die in about 5 minutes when the country you just nuked retaliates. Are you going to press that button?
  12. Dude653

    100% Acceptance Of Homosexuality By 2040?

    And as for acceptance, I think it takes a certain level of arrogance to even imagine that someone else gives a poo about what you do I don't accept. ,"Hey person, I don't accept what you're doing" Person , "I don't care, as I do not require your acceptance"
  13. Dude653

    100% Acceptance Of Homosexuality By 2040?

    Imagine I went to Walmart screaming at people and telling them they shouldn't be buying strawberry Pop-Tarts Most people would think I need to be fitted for a straight jacket. As I mentioned earlier, the majority of America doesn't care about sexual preferences and you're going to be...
  14. Dude653

    What is meant when people say 'guns don't kill people; people do'?

    I like Having the chores to not get shot so we should try to keep the wrong people from getting guns
  15. Dude653

    100% Acceptance Of Homosexuality By 2040?

    Yeah I already covered this earlier. Most people could not care less about a person's sexual preferences as long as everyone involved are consenting adults because it's just not something people find relevant anymore. Like it or not, we're not in the dark ages anymore I said, religion has two...
  16. Dude653

    100% Acceptance Of Homosexuality By 2040?

    Beauty is subjective
  17. Dude653

    100% Acceptance Of Homosexuality By 2040?

    Speaking of Jordan Peterson did you see this series of debates he did with Sam harris? It was a really good discussion. They both kept it polite and professional
  18. Dude653

    100% Acceptance Of Homosexuality By 2040?

    I think what he said was obnoxious but I don't think he should have been censored for it I'm not a fan of Peterson overall because he's mostly fluff
  19. Dude653

    100% Acceptance Of Homosexuality By 2040?

    The majority of Americans couldn't give a flip about sexual preference Did a quick Google search and 70% of Americans are cool with same-sex marriage Religion is becoming less and less relevant in America and there are a few theocrats desperate to hold on to power
  20. Dude653

    100% Acceptance Of Homosexuality By 2040?

    Yeah that's kind of the problem though because someone doesn't share your love you doesn't necessarily mean that person is your enemy. It is possible to coexist with different worldviews.. that goes back to that persecution complex I mentioned earlier. Just because someone isn't interested in...