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  1. Dude653

    Goldberg says Holocaust wasn't about Race

    No the FBI should have said hey let's not sell this guy in ar-15. It's almost as if the FBI isn't doing their job
  2. Dude653

    100% Acceptance Of Homosexuality By 2040?

    Who's being affected because two gay guys came out of the closet?
  3. Dude653

    Decline in UK Christians

    I've been reading Ayaan Hirsi Ali's book since she talks about how Islamic immigrants move to European countries, much off the welfare and refuse to assimilate, France is on the verge of civil war right now because of Islamic violence
  4. Dude653

    Decline in UK Christians

    Islamic immigration in European countries has outpaced European birth rates, plus they have like 100 kids a piece. Give it another 50 to 100 years and Europe is going to be Saudi Arabia minus the sand
  5. Dude653

    Supreme Court Decision, Prayer

    What they ruled was that private religious expression in school is still constitutionally protected. That means if someone wants to pray to Satan then they have to let him. Kind of a be careful what you ask for situation I guess
  6. Dude653

    What is meant when people say 'guns don't kill people; people do'?

    My favorite part of the second amendment is where it says WELL REGULATED
  7. Dude653

    100% Acceptance Of Homosexuality By 2040?

    Well yeah you just reiterated my point. Gas is $5 a gallon, school shootings are happening almost every day., Just trying to take over the world. We still haven't gotten rid of covid? But oh no two dudes are holding hands in walmart. Who cares
  8. Dude653

    Goldberg says Holocaust wasn't about Race

    You'd be surprised how many liberals own guns. Some of us want more common sense gun laws like if you have a guy like Omar Mateen who is screaming from the rooftops, hello I'm a terrorist, someone should say you know what it's probably not a good idea to sell this guy an AR-15
  9. Dude653

    100% Acceptance Of Homosexuality By 2040?

    As I mentioned earlier, society in general is becoming more progressive and most people couldn't care less what consenting adults are doing. We have far more pressing things to worry about like our economy on the verge of collapse, sending your kids and worrying if they're going to come home...
  10. Dude653

    100% Acceptance Of Homosexuality By 2040?

    Society is becoming less homophobic. Imagine that
  11. Dude653

    Goldberg says Holocaust wasn't about Race

    Except for the part where it was
  12. Dude653

    100% Acceptance Of Homosexuality By 2040?

    America's Constitution has an amendment clause which basically says you don't get to pass laws at favor anyone religion But if nine judges get to decide what the Constitution says what's the point even having a constitution?
  13. Dude653

    100% Acceptance Of Homosexuality By 2040?

    Yeah it turns out some people still honor the Constitution
  14. Dude653

    Decline in UK Christians

    Pretty sure Islam is growing faster in European countries
  15. Dude653

    100% Acceptance Of Homosexuality By 2040?

    Also most of these images people are posting are from pride events They get a permit from the city and rope off like an entire city block. So it's like "oh no, I'm so triggered at these images that I could have avoided seeing right not attending this event"
  16. Dude653

    100% Acceptance Of Homosexuality By 2040?

    Yeah but most people are pretty live and let live. If I see two dudes smoking, so what it's not hurting me any Most people feel the same way
  17. Dude653

    100% Acceptance Of Homosexuality By 2040?

    It's almost as if most people don't give a poo what consenting adults do behind closed doors or something
  18. Dude653

    What is meant when people say 'guns don't kill people; people do'?

    Maybe we should have stricter a red flag law If it can be demonstrated that you ever publicly made a threat then you're not getting a gun
  19. Dude653

    Nearest Sam Harris podcast on the problem of gun violence in America

    Just a couple days ago some Muslim extremist shot up with Catholic Church in nigeria. It's almost as if there's a worldwide problem with Islamic terrorism or something. This is why I disarming the population would be a bad idea
  20. Dude653

    What is meant when people say 'guns don't kill people; people do'?

    Maybe sometime read some of Ayaan Hirsi Ali's books She talks about how a particular demographic of people move to European countries, sexually assault the women. And pretty much nobody says anything because that would be "racist"... Of course it's handy for the sexual assaulters when no one is...