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  1. Dude653

    The hadron collider

    I'm more of a centrist like Bill Maher or Sam harris. Because I feel like both the left and the right are prone to irrelevant emotional rhetoric
  2. Dude653

    The hadron collider

    I admit I misspoke. Now do you have a citation?
  3. Dude653

    The hadron collider

    . Ok.... You said "they" claim that a theory can't be wrong. I'm going to need a citation because of my knowledge no scientist has ever said that
  4. Dude653

    The hadron collider

    . You made a claim that I said that theories can't be wrong. I never said that
  5. Dude653

    The hadron collider

    Don't cut yourself on all that edge over there also please present a screenshot where I said theories can't be wrong? Because I didn't say that
  6. Dude653

    The hadron collider

    And you are also going on ignore
  7. Dude653

    The hadron collider

    You haven't presented any facts
  8. Dude653

    The hadron collider

    Straw man number 3. I never tried to prove you wrong about anything. Were people demon possessed? Maybe they were maybe they weren't? I'm not really convinced either way That precisely zero to do with the scientific method
  9. Dude653

    The hadron collider

    That was your second straw man. No one ever said a theory can't be wrong.
  10. Dude653

    Answer to Prayer in the News: Satanic Georgia Guide Stones Are Rubble!

    Well first of all they weren't satanic and second why are you supporting destroying property? Maybe you need to be on an FBI checklist or something
  11. Dude653

    The hadron collider

    In the early 2000s, some American scientists were working on a Large hadron collider. Congress ended up pulling funding. Geneva did it for 9 billion It seems like a lot but it's not really when you have several countries splitting the bill
  12. Dude653

    The hadron collider

    Strawman much? I'm not convinced that demons are even a thing but that has absolutely zero to do with the topic Imagine dying of a preventable disease and God is like well duh, what part of the doctor's instructions did you not understand
  13. Dude653

    Breaking! Biden signs executive order on abortion, declares Supreme Court 'out of control'

    The economy was actually in pretty good shape under obama. It was George Bush who spent eight trillion dollars invading Iraq for no reason
  14. Dude653

    The hadron collider

    You got to be trolling. What does it any of this have to do with science figuring things out? At The risk of being redundant, maybe God gave us intellect to figure these things out?
  15. Dude653

    The hadron collider

    People used to think diseases were caused by demon possession before anyone knew about germ theory There was a time when people thought Adams were the smallest thing in the universe because they didn't know about subatomic particles yet. Just because science updates as new information is...
  16. Dude653

    The hadron collider

    Yes I just may eventually figure out what is there. That's kind of the point of science
  17. Dude653

    The hadron collider

    They were concerns that it might open a black hole but just judging from what I've been reading into it this thing doesn't generate anywhere near enough energy to create a black hole
  18. Dude653

    The hadron collider

    Or, I don't have much patience for trolling and I already stated that there's an entire separate forum conspiracy theories. I posted this to have a conversation about science . the existence or nonexistence of a God doesn't mean science isn't a real thing
  19. Dude653

    The hadron collider

    Yeah like I said. The conspiracy forum is just around the corner. This for anyone who's actually interested in having a conversation about science
  20. Dude653

    The hadron collider

    Yeah I still don't fully understand how the Higgs field works but I get the gist of it Like 98% of the universe is just empty space