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  1. Dude653

    Nearest Sam Harris podcast on the problem of gun violence in America

    Yeah Harris covered this in the podcast. If he gets about 10 people tackling him, he's going down to the floor
  2. Dude653

    Nearest Sam Harris podcast on the problem of gun violence in America

    I'm thinking probably the best thing to do in that situation is to instruct everyone to just run for the nearest exit Unfortunately there will still be some casualties but most people will probably make it out And you just send in the SWAT team to take care of business
  3. Dude653

    Nearest Sam Harris podcast on the problem of gun violence in America

    He makes a valid argument. You have a shooter who comes into a school with an AR-15. It's point blank and no one is shooting back. He could do the same thing with a handgun and a jacket full of magazines Most gun violence in America is committed with handguns So could it be the problem is that...
  4. Dude653

    Nearest Sam Harris podcast on the problem of gun violence in America

    Sam and his guest Graeme Wood discuss America is unique problem with gun violence Disclaimer. Sam drops an F bomb once but other than that it's an formative and in-depth conversation about the issue of gun violence in America Sam brings up the point that even if we did ban rifles like the ar-15...
  5. Dude653

    What is meant when people say 'guns don't kill people; people do'?

    France is on the verge of civil war right now because a particular demographic of people like to migrate their and commit acts of violence So disarming a population is not a good idea also, Ukraine much?
  6. Dude653

    What is meant when people say 'guns don't kill people; people do'?

    He was going to work talking about killing people and the FBI knew he had ties to Islamic terrorist organizations
  7. Dude653

    What is meant when people say 'guns don't kill people; people do'?

    we definitely better vetting. Omar Mateen, the guy who was practically shouting from the rooftops hello I'm a terrorist, had no problem legally purchasing an AR-15 with which to murder 80 Americans It's almost as if the FBI isn't doing their job or something
  8. Dude653

    What is meant when people say 'guns don't kill people; people do'?

    Yeah that's a good point You remember a couple years ago a teacher in France got his head chopped off or drawing a cartoon of Muhammad? France is on the verge of civil war because hey particular demographic of people migrate there and cause acts of violence. An armed guard at the school could...
  9. Dude653

    What is meant when people say 'guns don't kill people; people do'?

    Harris also advocates for having vetted and trained armed guards to protect children in schools police officers or even military. I'm sure there are a lot of veterans who would take the job of protecting children
  10. Dude653

    What is meant when people say 'guns don't kill people; people do'?

    Anyone who's interested check out a Sam Harris podcast called riddle of the gun He makes some pretty convincing arguments on why getting rid of guns would be a bad idea Some of his arguments include that mass shootings make up about 01% of homicides in America Another thing to consider is that...
  11. Dude653

    Sam Harris interviews Russian political activist Gary Kasparov on Ukrainian conflict

    Apparently his troops are deserting in Mass numbers
  12. Dude653

    Sam Harris interviews Russian political activist Gary Kasparov on Ukrainian conflict

    . For anyone who's interested, this was a good interview. It sheds some light on the Putin situation Kasparov says he believes Putin is fighting a losing battle and will most likely end up being overthrown
  13. Dude653

    Russia preparing for war

    Because he might not stop at ukraine. We might have another Nazi Germany on our hands If it comes down to that we will have france, Germany, England on our side. Even China is telling him to chill out
  14. Dude653

    Russia preparing for war

    we could do the same thing other countries are doing and supply Ukraine with weapons and equipment If Russia decides they want some then we can oblige them
  15. Dude653

    Russia preparing for war

    If we were to unleash our full military power on russia, we would rip them a proverbial new one
  16. Dude653

    Russia preparing for war

    I don't know I really don't think Russia wants any smoke if it really comes down to a full scale war We will have britain, france, Germany and possibly even China on our side. We would rip Russia a proverbial new one if it came to it
  17. Dude653

    Russia preparing for war

    Biden is hoping that economic sanctions will impede Russia. I think he wants to avoid world war 3. I hope it doesn't escalate that far
  18. Dude653

    George Soros says we need to support Ukraine however we can

    Yeah he's right. Doesn't matter if you don't like soros, he's still right If he manages to take ukraine, he may not stop there. We could be looking at another Hitler
  19. Dude653

    George Soros says we need to support Ukraine however we can

    That's really showing Christian love there. You should really be proud of yourself
  20. Dude653

    Trump gets booster shot

    Also check your mail. I had sent you the wrong link I found the right one. The one when Sam Harris was talking about media bias towards BLM