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  1. Ahwatukee

    When the body dies, what happens to the spirit?

    No, the rich man and Lazarus is not an allegory, but a real event. You and others have to force it to be a parable. Parables use symbols to represent what is literal. The rich man and Lazarus use the real names of Abraham, Lazarus, Moses, mentions the prophets, Lazarus' father and his five...
  2. Ahwatukee

    When the body dies, what happens to the spirit?

    Soul-sleep is a false teaching. We have too many scriptural examples of the conscious awareness of the spirit to claim soul-sleep. Regarding no one being judged, how about God's coming wrath via the seals, trumpets and bowl judgment, which will decimate the majority of the population of the...
  3. Ahwatukee

    When the body dies, what happens to the spirit?

    That is not judgment. When the wicked die, like the rich man, their spirits go down into hades/sheol to begin their punishment. When the great white throne judgment takes place after the millennial kingdom, then those whose spirits that have been in Hades will resurrect and be officially be...
  4. Ahwatukee

    When the body dies, what happens to the spirit?

    Good day Locopondirtman, What an account name that is :eek: Don't be concerned, your bias is supported by scripture in that, for the believer at the time of death, the spirit departs and goes to be in the presence of the Lord. I want to start off by defining the difference between when we die...
  5. Ahwatukee

    What is your BEST PROOF for a pre-trib Rapture?

    The meaning of "But you brothers, are not in darkness," is in opposition to those who are darkness, the wicked. The wicked will not escape, but "you brothers" will. And the way that they will escape, is because the Lord is going appear and call up His church. "But you brothers" immediately...
  6. Ahwatukee

    What is your BEST PROOF for a pre-trib Rapture?

    And John 14:1-3 :) I was going to answer, but the question was to you, so I left it alone. I truly don't understand why people ask the question of where the Bible teaches Jesus taking His church back to heaven. It is very plain to read and understand, regardless off one's belief of when this...
  7. Ahwatukee

    What is your BEST PROOF for a pre-trib Rapture?

    Ha! Just natural disasters!? Yeah, natural disasters on super steroids! Yeah, demonic beings resembling locusts with stings like scorpions always come out of the Abyss to torment the inhabitants of the earth. It's a common event :rolleyes: It Sounds like Hank Hanegraaff, who in one of books...
  8. Ahwatukee

    Mystery Babylon

    A stadia was one eighth of a Roman mile, a stadium, a race-course for public games My point is that scripture states that the city will be foursquare, i.e. cubed shaped, with its width, height and depth being equal. "The city lies foursquare, with its width the same as its length. And he...
  9. Ahwatukee

    What is your BEST PROOF for a pre-trib Rapture?

    Exactly! Good comparison.
  10. Ahwatukee

    What is your BEST PROOF for a pre-trib Rapture?

    We've been giving you the reasons all along, but you don't accept them. God does not punish the righteous with the wicked. And since His wrath in the form of the seals, trumpets and bowl judgments, will affect the whole world, the Lord is going to remove His church prior to said wrath. If...
  11. Ahwatukee

    What is your BEST PROOF for a pre-trib Rapture?

    Yeah, I agree! The reference to Darby and MacDonald, is just a created apologetic in an attempt to refute the promise of the Lord coming to get His church prior to the tribulation period. It is really amazing that, besides all the scripture that we have to support a pre-trib gathering, that...
  12. Ahwatukee

    What is your BEST PROOF for a pre-trib Rapture?

    Not convinced about that one. I believe that since the wedding of the Lamb takes place in heaven, so also will the wedding feast. The following supports this: "I say to you that many will come from the east and the west to share the banquet with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom of...
  13. Ahwatukee

    What is your BEST PROOF for a pre-trib Rapture?

    Hi John, Did you mean that Israel is the wife of God the Father and the church is the bride of Christ. Israel is always referred to as the "wife" of God. Where the church is the "bride," i.e. in the betrothal. The wedding of the Lamb will take place after His bride has been resurrected and...
  14. Ahwatukee

    What is your BEST PROOF for a pre-trib Rapture?

    I've have never read anything by Darby and I found it through scripture. Paul taught it. It's just a matter of taking into consideration all of the related scriptures in order to come to right interpretation.
  15. Ahwatukee

    What is your BEST PROOF for a pre-trib Rapture?

    Paul does use that phrase "like a thief in the night" in 1 Thess.5:2 "Now about the times and seasons, brothers, we do not need to write to you. For you are fully aware that the Day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. While people are saying, “Peace and security,” destruction will...
  16. Ahwatukee

    What is your BEST PROOF for a pre-trib Rapture?

    Well, I'm glad that you didn't wander over to the amillennial side, TooFast! Especially when it would require you to ignore the mentioning of "a thousand years" six times in Revelation 20, as well as the OT scriptures which describe that time period, such as the lion eating straw like the Ox. We...
  17. Ahwatukee

    Mystery Babylon

    Good day Lanolin, Just fyi, the new Jerusalem will be in the shape of a cube: "The city was laid out like a square, as long as it was wide. He measured the city with the rod and found it to be 12,000 stadia in length, and as wide and high as it is long. According to scripture, it will be...
  18. Ahwatukee

    What is your BEST PROOF for a pre-trib Rapture?

    Good day Melach, This is a good question and one that I have pondered myself. From the time that Jesus ascended into heaven, His return has always been imminent. Unlike the second coming, there are no signs leading up to give believers any idea of when He will return for us. All that we do...
  19. Ahwatukee

    Mystery Babylon

    The answer is, the woman in chapter 17 is not referring to Jerusalem/Israel. The angel says that "the woman you saw is that great city who rules over the kings of the earth." When did Jerusalem/Israel ever rule over the kings of the earth? The answer would be, never! Jerusalem/Israel was not...