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  1. Dino246

    Has anyone found secret messages in the bible?

    More silly broadbrushing and claims without evidence. Get some integrity.
  2. Dino246

    Has anyone found secret messages in the bible?

    Yet you hold to a translation that is the direct product of textual criticism and can't see your hypocrisy!
  3. Dino246

    Has anyone found secret messages in the bible?

    Do you challenge every KJV-only proponent on every point they make? No. I'll address what I choose to address, same as you. Perhaps you have overlooked Noah and Abraham (and many others). What Bible did they have? I assure you, it wasn't a KJV! I haven't mentioned any specific manuscripts, so...
  4. Dino246

    Has anyone found secret messages in the bible?

    … and plenty of reasons to believe it isn’t, leaving your reasoning on its merry-go-round.
  5. Dino246

    Has anyone found secret messages in the bible?

    Consider the reverse of your statement. Those who refuse….
  6. Dino246

    Has anyone found secret messages in the bible?

    But the chapter and verse numbers are not Scripture. They are man-made references only.
  7. Dino246

    Has anyone found secret messages in the bible?

    Good point. I recall from an Art History class a painting of a smoker’s pipe, titled (in French), “This is not a pipe.” Same point. 👍🏼
  8. Dino246

    Has anyone found secret messages in the bible?

    I guess you should go back to Wycliffe and stop being a blatant hypocrite.
  9. Dino246

    Has anyone found secret messages in the bible?

    Um, no. If the KJV were God's direct creation, then it would not contain blatant internal contradictions, which it does. There would be no "conjectural emendations" in Revelation because Erasmus didn't have a complete copy, which there are. The commandment not to commit murder would not be...
  10. Dino246

    Has anyone found secret messages in the bible?

    Great claims require great evidence. Show the evidence to support your claim. Consistency. That's the only reason. If one person is looking for verse 3 and another has to look for verse 5 because that's the way the KJV had it, it would cause unnecessary confusion. It does not lend any credence...
  11. Dino246

    Has anyone found secret messages in the bible?

    Which we do in any number of modern translations.
  12. Dino246

    Has anyone found secret messages in the bible?

    No, because I'm not the one making the claim. ;) And still you don't see how silly your statement was. Think it through. Miss the point much?
  13. Dino246

    Has anyone found secret messages in the bible?

    Which is why all the claims you make about the modern versions "removing" things are invalid, because your standard is the KJV, not the original-language texts. Speaking in terms of logical argumentation, as long as you hold to the KJV as your standard and compare other translations to it, you...
  14. Dino246

    Has anyone found secret messages in the bible?

    Did Moses make preposterous claims about the tablets themselves? Not at all! He pointed people to the LORD and the truth of His word. The KJV did not "cause" great revivals. That's ridiculous. The Holy Spirit "caused" the revivals. That you believe the KJV caused them supports the accusation...
  15. Dino246

    Ball Earth conundrums

    Have you personally verified this? On site? If not, your information is no more reliable than that of the sources you decry.
  16. Dino246

    Hasten, not Study, to Show yourself Approved

    No, it's because KJV-only people spout asinine assertions as though you are magically capable of reading the thoughts of others. Just because I disagree with you doesn't mean I "hate" or "despise" anything... other than stupid arguments and people putting words in my mouth. But it is...
  17. Dino246

    Has anyone found secret messages in the bible?

    It doesn’t, and that doesn’t matter. You should actually prefer that option, because the alternative is chaos and anarchy. You would have no way of refuting people like Joseph Smith. Modern Textual Criticism is like Evolution. It is constantly evolving and its going to keep getting better...
  18. Dino246

    Hasten, not Study, to Show yourself Approved

    No, it doesn't. It makes him a diligent student who thinks for himself. Your false dichotomy has been refuted repeatedly. That you continue to repeat it means you have chosen not to learn.
  19. Dino246

    Ball Earth conundrums

    I'm unaware of any such observations. I am, however, aware of many misinterpretations of observations.
  20. Dino246

    Ball Earth conundrums

    That’s silly as exactly the same can be said of FE’ers.