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  1. L

    50 Reasons For a Pretribulational Rapture By Dr. John F. Walvoord

    You quoted it but left no explanation. In context I was talking about your statement of the dead in Christ being a much larger group and your statement that they were in heaven. Yes, certainly in heaven - UNTIL Jesus brings them WITH HIM to the rapture event. That was my point: they come WITH...
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    50 Reasons For a Pretribulational Rapture By Dr. John F. Walvoord

    "Day" is used for daylight hours, for a 24 hour period starting at sunset, and in the Day of the Lord for a long, extended period of time. Jesus could have meant a 24 hour day, or the long extended day. We probably then should form doctrine from other verses. Yes, OF COURSE Jesus returns...
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    50 Reasons For a Pretribulational Rapture By Dr. John F. Walvoord

    No, because there is no proof that those who are raised there are the bride of Christ. It seems rather not, for Paul's timing is not "the last day" but rather just before wrath." I can't figure out how to make those to the same day. Welcome, newcomer!
  4. L

    50 Reasons For a Pretribulational Rapture By Dr. John F. Walvoord

    Matthew 27: 51 And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent; 52 And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose, This is a resurrection: and an earthquake Rev. 11 12 And they heard a...
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    50 Reasons For a Pretribulational Rapture By Dr. John F. Walvoord

    Well then, if that were true, why not just quote both of them about that? It is the Word of God. Of course it is true. That's what I've been asking the pre-tribbers for a very long time. Most pretribbers imagine the rapture is in Rev. 4:1! Anyone that can read knows that is very poor...
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    Who is the beast that was and is not?

    Congratulations, you NAILED IT! Jerusalem is indeed "Mystery Babylon." Why? Because the Beast and False Prophet will deceive the WHOLE WORLD from that city.
  7. L

    Who is the beast that was and is not?

    Read it this way: there are seven mountains...and there are seven kings. Mountains here are nations or empires, each with a king or leader. Five of these kings have fallen. Some people guess Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Persia, and Greece as the five that have come and gone. Each in their turn...
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    50 Reasons For a Pretribulational Rapture By Dr. John F. Walvoord

    I have pointed out MANY times that by the time Jesus returns at the Second Advent, the VAST MAJORITY of saints, including all from the church age, will already be IN heaven. I will have to agree with this statement. The dead in Christ group will be FAR FAR bigger than those caught up and...
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    50 Reasons For a Pretribulational Rapture By Dr. John F. Walvoord

    Since the church age has been one long period of "tribulation" I must agree with you: since the rapture will END the church age, then the rapture is post - all the tribulation of the church age! ;-) HOWEVER: the rapture will be pre-70th-week. Count on it! The 70th week is all a time of wrath.
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    50 Reasons For a Pretribulational Rapture By Dr. John F. Walvoord

    You can ignore His coming FOR His church pretrib - but I suspect it will cost you something. I counted three found in scripture. I am not afraid to say His coming to Armageddon will be His 3rd coming.
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    50 Reasons For a Pretribulational Rapture By Dr. John F. Walvoord

    Strange: John shows us the Day of His Wrath (6th seal) starts before the 70th week begins (7th seal). That makes the entire 70th week or as people say, "the tribulation" all the wrath of God. When we discover the Old Testament plan for the Day as is written that God's plan is to destroy the...
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    50 Reasons For a Pretribulational Rapture By Dr. John F. Walvoord

    No, I am extremely comfortable, with the TRUTH I believe with my whole heart. I do not even care if you want to continue to believe a different Theology. Have it your way. And I will believe what the Holy Spirit has put my HEART to BELIEVE. The reason I refuse to Argue, or Chasen, or even...
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    50 Reasons For a Pretribulational Rapture By Dr. John F. Walvoord

    Very strange: when John saw the raptured church in heaven, he had not yet even started the 70th week in his narrative, much less arrived at the last half of the week! In fact, he shows us that the days of GT where the mark is enforces is not until late in chapter 14. Yes, he did write that...
  14. L


    Well, I'll give you this much, it is a theory! And the Beast will overcome the two witnesses. But that is not the intent of Daniel 7 or Rev. 13. 21 I beheld, and the same horn made war with the saints, and prevailed against them; Sorry, no mention of two witnesses. It is "the saints;" that...
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    We get it that is what YOU believe. We also get it what scriptures tell us - in spite of what you think. Anyone can pull a verse out of its context and make it say something else than its intended meaning.
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    You are mistaken here too, as usual.
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    I disagree. You know pretribber believe what John 14 tells us, Jesus returns to heaven with His church to the homes he has prepared for us. I think as soon as He arrives in heaven, He will open the 6th seal. Then shortly after (I would guess ten days later) He will open the 7th seal to get...
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    Cessationism vs. continuationism...does it make any difference?

    It's great to post a scripture, but it would be greater if that scripture as understood. 28 And God hath set some in the church, first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, governments, diversities of tongues. 29 Are all apostles...
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    Cessationism vs. continuationism...does it make any difference?

    the reject correct doctrine. As if yours is the correct one! How funny! I hope you are looking in a mirror!
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    50 Reasons For a Pretribulational Rapture By Dr. John F. Walvoord

    What could be clearer that John 14? Jesus has spent all this time since He ascended building homes for us. It is written that He will then come and get us and take us to those homes he has prepared. Some people imagine He has spent 2000 years building our homes, but then never takes us to the...