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  1. L

    50 Reasons For a Pretribulational Rapture By Dr. John F. Walvoord

    The truth is, God's wrath starts with the Day of His wrath, THEN the 70th week starts with the trumpet judgments, proving that every trumpet judgment comes inside the DAY and with God's wrath. Yes, anyone can separate general everyday tribulation of the church age from God's wrath, because God...
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    50 Reasons For a Pretribulational Rapture By Dr. John F. Walvoord

    John provided a title for one of the two resurrections he has listed. He called in the "first" resurrection. The only words I could find that relate to the other resurrection to "title" it is a "second death" resurrection. I will RE-title it as the "death and hell" resurrection from 20:13...
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    50 Reasons For a Pretribulational Rapture By Dr. John F. Walvoord

    It should be clear to all after almost 70 pages of "proof" for both sides of pre and post, that when people read scriptures differently, what seems like good proof to one side is not perceived as proof by the other side. It is for this reason that this same disagreement has been ongoing for...
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    50 Reasons For a Pretribulational Rapture By Dr. John F. Walvoord

    I asked for a verse that proves a posttrib rapture, and you give us this: 2 Thess 2:1 - Concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered to him, we ask you, brothers and sisters, I see a coming. I see a gathering. BUT I SEE NO TIMING. STRIKE ! You continued: Red words...
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    50 Reasons For a Pretribulational Rapture By Dr. John F. Walvoord

    Again I beg to differ: the Holy Spirit INSIDE every believer will most certainly go WITH THEM as they are caught up. So you are still mistaken. This in no way says anything about the Holy Spirit anywhere else. It is absolute truth: a moment after the rapture, the Holy Spirit will not be...
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    50 Reasons For a Pretribulational Rapture By Dr. John F. Walvoord

    , where is a verse that tells us that Jesus will take raptured believers to heaven? Where is the verse that tells us that from the air Jesus will take the raptured church right back to earth? Why ask questions that have no answers? I can only guess you want to argue. the tribulational martyrs...
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    50 Reasons For a Pretribulational Rapture By Dr. John F. Walvoord

    I have to side with you on this one. Jesus remains in the cloud as His saints are caught up, but Paul STILL calls it a coming. 1 Thes 4:16 ."..unto the coming of the Lord ..."
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    50 Reasons For a Pretribulational Rapture By Dr. John F. Walvoord

    This is a total misunderstanding of this passage. Jesus own resurrection was the first human to take a part of this "first" or chief of all resurrections. This is really SO SIMPLE, there is no need to misunderstand: there are only TWO titled resurrections. Both are shown in Rev. 20. 1. The...
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    50 Reasons For a Pretribulational Rapture By Dr. John F. Walvoord

    It's very simple: you don't understand the Greek word that is translated FIRST. It has nothing to do with TIME in this context. It has to do with honor. The same Greek word was also translated as "Chief." In other words, this is the CHIEF of resurrections because it is for all the righteous...
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    50 Reasons For a Pretribulational Rapture By Dr. John F. Walvoord

    2 Peter 3:10 10But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up. If this happened before the GT then there'd be...
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    50 Reasons For a Pretribulational Rapture By Dr. John F. Walvoord

    My mistake: I of course meant YOU, not I. You keep posting nonsense - such as the Holy Spirit cannot go with the believers when they go.
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    50 Reasons For a Pretribulational Rapture By Dr. John F. Walvoord

    Why don't you quote the verse that proves a posttrib rapture? Why don't you post a verse that proves the destination after meeting in the clouds is back down to earth? What has taken you so long to prove your side with scripture? If posttrib is truth, it should EASILY be proven.
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    50 Reasons For a Pretribulational Rapture By Dr. John F. Walvoord

    Finally, you have said something I can agree with: I am convinced God is pretrib. Another thing I know: it is impossible to teach those that don't want to be taught. The truth is, that great crowd of believers seen in heaven is in chapter 7, not chapter 19.
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    50 Reasons For a Pretribulational Rapture By Dr. John F. Walvoord

    I don't need to: John already did a good job with that. Why fight it so hard? If you wish to be left behind, God has said He will give us the desires of our heart. If you desire to go through the time of God's wrath on earth here, be my guest! I won't try and stop you. Many of us though, are...
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    50 Reasons For a Pretribulational Rapture By Dr. John F. Walvoord

    I should know all these scriptures by heart. You KNOW the Holy Spirit dwells within you - right? And you also know He said He would never leave you. Case closed. When the church is raptured, the Holy Spirit dwelling within each one goes with them. But since the Holy Spirit is EVERYWHERE, after...
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    50 Reasons For a Pretribulational Rapture By Dr. John F. Walvoord

    Paul, who taught a pretrib rapture, taught us to be looking for His return. Any time. Like tonight. I am looking and expecting His return any time. Some, on the other hand, are looking for the Beast to come first. It is what they believe and tell others that they believe it.
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    50 Reasons For a Pretribulational Rapture By Dr. John F. Walvoord

    So what you are really saying is, IF Jesus came tonight for His bride, it would catch you NOT LOOKING for Him - because you believe other things must come first. I DO understand.
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    50 Reasons For a Pretribulational Rapture By Dr. John F. Walvoord

    Nah you're definitely misunderstanding the scripture. No, that is on your side. Paul doesn't reverse his position on this at any point. Good point: Paul is pretrib in his first letter and pretrib here too. Paul says the gathering to Jesus occurs after the man of sin is revealed No, that is...
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    50 Reasons For a Pretribulational Rapture By Dr. John F. Walvoord

    I did read it, and just now read it again. You said what the restrainer could not be. But Paul said "now you know what is restraining. It seems you don't know. Who is the "he?" And your reasoning that it cannot be the Holy Spirit is faulty as I have shown.
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    50 Reasons For a Pretribulational Rapture By Dr. John F. Walvoord

    So you are believing the Beast will be revealed first And at the same time Jesus returning first.. I understand....