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  1. B

    The Tribulation and the Church, WHEN?

    Well gee, I'm sorry to because I didn't see the Apostle Paul mention Daniel at 1 Thessolonians or at 2 Thessolonians either, let alone saying anywhere in the New Testament that Daniel is the key to understanding prophesy. My point is that if the Apostle Paul doesn't know what he is talking...
  2. B

    The Tribulation and the Church, WHEN?

    Actuall I forgot to link Hebrews 9:28 to vs27. "And inasmuch as it is appointed for men to die once and after this judgment, vs28, SO CHRIST also, having been offered once to bear the sins of many shall appear a second time for salvation without reference to sin, to those who eagerly await Him."...
  3. B

    The Tribulation and the Church, WHEN?

    I must admit I had to "chuckle" at all the post that followed this post #1 with a thousand different opinions from y'all. For example, it started at 70AD, or it started when Jesus said on the cross "It is finished." And someone said it stared in 1949. So, let me make this suggestion? Please...
  4. B

    The Tribulation and the Church, WHEN?

    Look, I disagree with your understanding of Matthew 24:14. I base this on, well starting at vs13 first. "But the one who endures to the "END," he shall be saved/delivered. In other words, only those who maintain a faithful spirit and a positive witness in the midst of the corruption of this age...
  5. B

    Carousel !

    Good grief, there are hundreds of threads on various subjects besides salvation. Get out of your cave and join the battle. Even if your not sure about what to say it doesn't matter, you should still be learning and even if you don't say anything there are things to be learned. I encourage you to...
  6. B

    Carousel !

    What are you talking about? Can you give some examples of this "redundance" that bothers you? IN GOD THE SON, bluto
  7. B

    The Tribulation and the Church, WHEN?

    I agree! Over the next 2000 years and perhaps longer? :eek: IN GOD THE SON, bluto
  8. B

    The Tribulation and the Church, WHEN?

    Well, if the tribulation is not seven years because of a "severe" misinterpretation of Daniel 9:24-27 I would greatly appreciate it if you would give us your outline as to why it is not a seven year period? Go ahead, I'll listen. And btw, in the presentation by Dr. Martin that I posted he...
  9. B

    The Tribulation and the Church, WHEN?

    Really, a kid could figure this out? Would not a big kid also want to ask you when did the end of the age occur and how come nobody saw the Son of Man coming on the clouds with His angels etc. at Matthew 24:29-31? How come nobody in that generation reported these events? :eek: IN GOD THE SON, bluto
  10. B

    The Tribulation and the Church, WHEN?

    So you mean the "immediate" context is referring to Israel, right? And I do not believie in replacement theology because the Jews are still God's chosen people. In fact, Jesus said the following at John 4:22, "You worship that which you do not know; we worship that which we know, FOR SALVATION...
  11. B

    The Tribulation and the Church, WHEN?

    So what's your point? I mean are not the Gentiles included at the end/consumation of the age? I'm not arguing with you but just asking what you mean? :eek: IN GOD THE SON, bluto
  12. B

    The Tribulation and the Church, WHEN?

    Well let me put your question this way. Do you understand everything that is written in the Bible? Nothing is more important than the Bible but the Bible does teach we are to have teachers etc. to help us understand things. Even the Apostle Peter said that some of the tings that the Apostle Paul...
  13. B

    The Tribulation and the Church, WHEN?

    Please, look at the question(s) the disciples ask Jesus at Matthew 24:3, "Tell us "WHEN" will these things be, and what will be and what will be the sign of Your coming and the end of the age? When He says "this generation" He is referring to the generation that is existing at the time of His...
  14. B

    The Tribulation and the Church, WHEN?

    It does "boggle" the mind. This why I ask the question if anybody actually listened to the presentation by Dr. Martin. :eek: IN GOD THE SON, bluto
  15. B


    The resurrection is an event and "sanctification" which is a process that is to suppose to last throughout a believers life in order to be more conformed to Jesus Christ. Just out of curiosity are you confusing resurrection with sanctification, just asking? :eek: IN GOD THE SON, bluto
  16. B

    The Tribulation and the Church, WHEN?

    I have two question's for everybody? How many here have actually listened to Dr.Martin's 50 minute presentation? Secondly, was there anything he said that is contrary to Scripture? Thank You! IN GOD THE SON, bluto
  17. B

    The Tribulation and the Church, WHEN?

    The following is a youtube video by the late Dr.Walter Martin. It's about 50 minutes long and extremely instructive regarding the events as to when the Great Tribulation will take place. Btw, for those of you who do not know who Dr. Walter Martin is just google his name. You might also know that...
  18. B

    When does the marriage supper of the lamb happen? Before, During, or after Great Tribulation?

    Well absolutely, I had a chance to read all your post in this thread so I want to address some of your points. First of all, on what basis do you think Psalm 23:5 refers to the Lambs feast or supper after the "so-called" rapture? It's obvious to me you did not read the context of Psalm 23. At...
  19. B

    When does the marriage supper of the lamb happen? Before, During, or after Great Tribulation?

    This is a question that has "ALWAYS" bothered me and "NEVER" made sense. How can it be that the supper is before or even during the Tribulation when all "hell" is breaking loose the church is celebrating a marriage supper. It just does not make any sense. Also notice that this event is explained...
  20. B

    After the Gifts....nothing done to be count toward them, What are your Works.

    First of all welcome to Christian chat. Secondly, what exactly is your question and please be specific. :eek: IN GOD THE SON, bluto