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  1. B

    Things that need to be believed for salvation

    There is nothing tricky about the gospel as presented by the Apostle Paul at 1 Corinthians 15:1-4. So, if someone ask you what the gospel is and you quoted these verses I assume you would add to these words and tell them they must be water baptized as well huh? :eek: IN GOD THE SON, bluto
  2. B

    The Tabernacle in the Wilderness

    So let me get this straight waggles? If a person puts their faith or trust in Jesus Christ for salvation and it is impossible for them to get water baptized are they lost to hell? I ask this same question to wansvic and I'm wondering why she did not answer, so what do you say? Yes of no? :eek...
  3. B

    The Tabernacle in the Wilderness

    The following is a debate between Dr.Walter Martin, Cal Beisner and two Oneness Pentecostals that took place on the John Ankerberg show years ago. It's 3 hours long but well worth watching and learning. :eek: IN GOD THE SON, bluto
  4. B

    The Tabernacle in the Wilderness

    Well you are being foolish. You just admitted the oneness pentecostals are in error and yet your giving her "thumbs up" on what she post (which is in error) and telling us were "picking" on her. There is a "precedent" on what I'm telling you. The Apostle Paul at Galatians 3:1 called the Galatian...
  5. B

    The Tabernacle in the Wilderness

    Maybe you didn't hear "HER" speak about oneness in her orginal post because you don;t know what the oneness pentecostals teach? Some of us can tell right away what they teach just by what they say, did that ever occur to you? And how did you come to the conclusion that some of us are being mean...
  6. B

    The Tabernacle in the Wilderness

    What an "asinine" statement? When do you say the blood of Jesus was applied? What do you think Jesus mean't when He said on that cross, "It is finished?" :eek: IN GOD THE SON, bluto
  7. B

    The Tabernacle in the Wilderness

    While you were typing this to me I looked up your cultic organzation and the following is what I found.,1118,13762 How long have you been involved in this "brainwashing" system? :eek: IN GOD THE SON, bluto
  8. B

    The Tabernacle in the Wilderness

    Your still misrepresenting what I'm telling you missy. Water baptism is not a part of the gospel. One is saved first by hearing the gospel which 1 Corinthians 14;1-4 clearly outlines. It is a legitimate command that we "SHOULD" get water baptized but, it is "NOT" necessary to the point if you...
  9. B

    The Tabernacle in the Wilderness

    Nonsense, what you have stated is not what the Bible states. Here, I'll give you one verse to prove what I'm saying. Ephesians 1:13, "In Him you also, after listening to the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation--having also believed, you were "SEALED" in Him with the Holy Spirit of...
  10. B

    Judas Iscariot

    I'm kind of surprised that no one brought up Acts 1:25, "to occupy this ministry and apostleship from which Judas turned aside TO GO TO HIS OWN PLACE." Someone did bring up Judas being "the Son of perdition which is hell." And btw, Judas was human like the rest of us. :eek: IN GOD THE SON, bluto
  11. B

    Shepherds and Hirelings--- -John 10

    Please read Acts 20:27-31 for additional information. And I don't know about how sheep smell but read what Jesus said at Matthew 7:15-23 on how to identify these "ravenous wolves." And as a side note, the four most lethal words in the Bible as far is I'm concerned is at vs23, "I never knew you."...
  12. B

    The Tabernacle in the Wilderness

    First of all your not taking your time in reading the post, but instead in your fast gear ready to reply with your contrary view. Now pay attention, here is what I said that you overlooked. "So, let's deal with what we do know wansvic. Since your a real big fan of the word, "COMMAND" what does...
  13. B

    The Tabernacle in the Wilderness

    You know wansvic, it's really sad that you are not thinking rationally. When Jesus Christ made His statement at Matthew 28:19 are you accusing Jesus Christ of lying? Words have meaning and they mean what they say in context. He said at vs20 was a "COMMAND" for us be water baptized in the...
  14. B

    The Tabernacle in the Wilderness

    I can't provide evidence from the Bible, (specifically from the New Testament) that anyone used the exact words from Matthew 28:19 to water baptize in the name of the Father and of the Son and in the name of the Holy Spirit. However, what you are doing is making what is known in "logic" an...
  15. B

    The Tabernacle in the Wilderness

    So what's your point? Of course as a disciple were suppose to observe and follow the things Jesus taught and commanded. He commanded some people to go "and sin no more." Do you think they lived the rest of their lives not sinning? He said at John 14:12, "Truly, truly I say to you, he who...
  16. B

    The Tabernacle in the Wilderness

    What do you mean "NO?" I saw that you quoted Matthew 28:19 where Jesus Christ said, "Go therefore and make "DISCIPLES" of all nations baptizing them (the disciples) in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit." Since there are "ALREADY" disciples first are you going to tell...
  17. B

    The Tabernacle in the Wilderness

    You are misunderstanding what I stated wansvic. Of course we are commanded to get water baptized "BUT" water baptism is not a requirement whereby if you don't get water baptised your lost for all eternity. Let me ask you this question or this scenario. A person is the hospital dying for...
  18. B

    The Tabernacle in the Wilderness

    More excuses from you. I was completed engaged in a resonable dialogue in my post #14 and you said I was argumentative there as well. It's rather apparent you can't defend your heretical oneness doctrines, and yes they are non-biblical teachings. And your right, "denominations is not the issue,"...
  19. B

    The Tabernacle in the Wilderness

    And here I thought these were forums where we debate and discuss Gods' word but you turn it around and say, "I have no desire to argue" as if I'm the one with the problem. I too enjoy sharing the word of God as the next person "BUT" we are according to 2 Timothy 2:15 to, "Be diligent to present...
  20. B

    The Tabernacle in the Wilderness

    Wait a minute wansvic, your being "inconsistent." Why are you now running to the Old Testament regarding baptism when you told me that the thief was under the old covenant which does not count or is not applicable to the New Testament covenant? The text is crystal clear regarding the words of...