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  1. PaulChristensen

    The Shepherding Movement and Covering Doctrine

    I enjoyed reading your comprehensive post. It provides much good information from your personal experience. I think that the corrupted, authoritarian "covering" people have departed from the teaching of Christ. According to 2 John 1:9 such people don't have God, and therefore are not saved...
  2. PaulChristensen

    The Shepherding Movement and Covering Doctrine

    Google "The Covering Doctrine" and you will get a good range of opinion about it.
  3. PaulChristensen

    The Shepherding Movement and Covering Doctrine

    The Shepherding Movement and Covering Doctrine was popular in the 1970s and 80s. Initially it was good for providing mentoring and protection for younger converts, but soon developed into "power and control" situations by leaders wanting to use their "spiritual authority" to make disciples for...
  4. PaulChristensen

    Questioning The Bible.

    Paul is talking about those in the world. He is not talking about genuinely converted Christians. When a person believes that Jesus took his or her sin on Himself as He suffered on the cross, and rose from the dead to show that believers will inherit eternal life, they are saved according to...
  5. PaulChristensen

    ****Justified DIVORCE****

    Of course, if the abusive spouse remarries, then the issue for the innocent spouse becomes a non-issue as far as remarriage is concerned.
  6. PaulChristensen

    ****Justified DIVORCE****

    In my experience working with DV victims is that one cannot know initially whether an incident remains minor or develops into homicide of the victim, or the victim's suicide. We were trained to treat every incidences of DV as potentially life-threatening. It can start with verbal comments...
  7. PaulChristensen

    If You Are Sick Do Not Despair

    I believe that Jesus through the Holy Spirit is well able and willing to heal sick people. The Scripture gives plenty of good support for it. But we must remember that when Jesus healed sick people, the symptom were gone immediately and the person was no longer sick. Confessing healing by...
  8. PaulChristensen

    How to be Born Again

    The first step is once hearing the gospel, the unsaved person must believe it. The Scripture says that if we confess Christ with our mouths, in believe that God raised Him from the dead, we will be saved. The next step is to seek God with all your heart for the Holy Spirit to transform you so...
  9. PaulChristensen

    ****Justified DIVORCE****

    Statistically 30% of all church members have at some time been victims of domestic violence. It is termed as the Silent Epidemic in our Western churches. A relevant article can be found at: You can find a good number of domestic...
  10. PaulChristensen

    ****Justified DIVORCE****

    Here is a commentary that gives a reasonable answer to this issue. It shows that using Numbers 12:1 in the context of divorce and remarriage is pretty unreliable.
  11. PaulChristensen

    Woman can't teach in the congregation

    I saw the very type of situation that Paul was dealing with in writing these verses. I was in an afternoon fellowship meeting with a speaker. There was a woman in the group constantly interrupting the speaker with one question after another, that became very frustrating to the point where I...
  12. PaulChristensen

    Red flags

    There is nothing wrong with prayerfully studying God's Word concerning end time events. That's not the OP's issue. It is hearing people saying "God told me..." etc., that shows that they are taking God's name in vain by adding Him to their own opinions about what they see in the Bible, or...
  13. PaulChristensen

    Red flags

    You are right in having red flags in your mind about these things. It is actually the Holy Spirit warning you against a spirit of divination. God will never say anything directly to anyone, that is not already written in the Scriptures. God is no respecter of persons. He doesn't give...
  14. PaulChristensen

    ****Justified DIVORCE****

    The OP says that her husband wants a divorce so he can be free to marry someone else. So, it seems that he has someone in mind. Therefore, as soon as he remarries, she is totally free and there is no prohibition for her to remarry.. My first wife deserted me, and the actions of the toxic...
  15. PaulChristensen

    ****Justified DIVORCE****

    A wife comes to you for counselling and says that she is a victim of domestic abuse and feels that her life is in danger. How are you going to advise her. If you advise her to be "more loving or submissive" and she goes back and tries to do it, and then gets stabbed to death with a kitchen...
  16. PaulChristensen

    ****Justified DIVORCE****

    Here is a good article about why a woman will stay in an abusive marriage:
  17. PaulChristensen

    ****Justified DIVORCE****

    A careful exegesis of the "divorce" references show that the blanket prohibition against divorce and remarriage is through Eisegesis (reading into Scripture) and not proper exegesis (reading from Scripture, taking into account the who, what, when, why, and where questions about the references)...
  18. PaulChristensen

    Woman can't teach in the congregation

    I love it. I am the head of my house...whatever my wife says shall be done! Whenever my wife and I have a disagreement, I say, "Yes dear" as well! Things never change, do they? :giggle:
  19. PaulChristensen

    Woman can't teach in the congregation

    Why don't you read my post about what a serious Bible scholar would do to establish a doctrine? Especially when some base doctrine on one or two verses of the Bible. If you are a church leader and denies women's ministry in your church, then I would advise that women who have a calling of God...