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  1. PaulChristensen

    Visualization in Prayer

    Worshiping that image would be idolatry. We worship God who is invisible, with faith based in the Scriptures. Faith is the evidence of things not seen. If you are worshiping a humanoid figure on a throne, then you are worshiping a god that is not in the Bible, but one concocted in your...
  2. PaulChristensen

    In what ways does the Holy Spirit act in you?

    Not everything supernatural is of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit never works outside of the bounds of Written Scripture.
  3. PaulChristensen

    What does it mean that Jesus fulfilled the law, but did not abolish it?

    Jesus fulfilled the Law by keeping it to perfection, not only as rules of external conduct, but from His heart as well. He then took our sin when He suffered on the Cross, and when He said, "It is finished", He was saying that the Law is now fulfilled, and that those who embrace Him by faith...
  4. PaulChristensen

    What does it mean that Jesus fulfilled the law, but did not abolish it?

    The Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus, is the same as living according to the fruit of the Spirit, and walking in the Spirit, not fulfilling the lusts of the flesh. Paul said, "Where sin abounds, grace abounds much more. So, shall we sin that grace may abound? God forbid!" If...
  5. PaulChristensen

    In what ways does the Holy Spirit act in you?

    Have you heard of the little Foxes that spoil the vines? Each vision may be inconsequential on its own, but when multiplied over thousands of deluded people, it becomes a major issue. Have a good look at Hillsong and Bethel churches and how they are extremely influential in Pentecostal and...
  6. PaulChristensen

    In what ways does the Holy Spirit act in you?

    Absolutely. Any dream, vision, or experience that goes beyond the bounds of God's Word, is a counterfeit.
  7. PaulChristensen

    In what ways does the Holy Spirit act in you?

    It is the Holy Spirit speaking through the preaching of the Gospel of Christ that draws people to Christ. Of course it has to be the true Gospel of Christ that involves the finished work on the Cross and the resurrection of Christ from the dead. Not the "lovey dovey" preaching that if you...
  8. PaulChristensen

    In what ways does the Holy Spirit act in you?

    New Age spirituality is a form of modern occult which involves spirit guides, fortune telling, horoscopes, holistic healing remedies, Bach flower remedies, colour therapy, liberal religion that denies the virgin birth and resurrection of Christ.
  9. PaulChristensen

    In what ways does the Holy Spirit act in you?

    The devil can provide all of these things if people decide to put their faith in them instead of the written Scriptures.
  10. PaulChristensen

    In what ways does the Holy Spirit act in you?

    How is this different from New Age thinking?
  11. PaulChristensen

    In what ways does the Holy Spirit act in you?

    Faith does not come through receiving visions and experiences. The Bible says that faith comes through hearing the Word of God. What this means is that faith in Christ comes through hearing the preaching of the Gospel. Paul said, "The Gospel of Christ is the power of God that leads to...
  12. PaulChristensen

    In what ways does the Holy Spirit act in you?

    No one can really understand the Bible unless they have the indwelling Holy Spirit. Unbelievers without the Holy Spirit can understand some aspects from a human wisdom point of view and see the moral value of following its teachings, but they have no understanding of how it all fits together...
  13. PaulChristensen

    What does it mean that Jesus fulfilled the law, but did not abolish it?

    I used the word 'moral" to distinguish it from the ceremonial as you have ably pointed out. I am a bit puzzled by your term "spiritual". Perhaps you could explain it more clearly.
  14. PaulChristensen

    Visualization in Prayer

    There is a vast difference from getting a mental picture of an object through a description of it, and visualizing a mental image of God and worshiping it.
  15. PaulChristensen

    Visualization in Prayer

    My reply to that is that the god of this world has blinded her mind so that she cannot see the light of the Gospel of Christ.
  16. PaulChristensen

    In what ways does the Holy Spirit act in you?

    Strange that no one has clearly mentioned that the Holy Spirit gives clear insight into what the Bible is telling us, and that He is transforming us to move away from the works of the flesh and toward the fruit of the Spirit. That the Holy Spirit is working holiness in us so that we are...
  17. PaulChristensen

    In what ways does the Holy Spirit act in you?

    Are you searching the Scriptures to confirm that these visions are coming from the Holy Spirit and not another spirit?
  18. PaulChristensen

    What does it mean that Jesus fulfilled the law, but did not abolish it?

    Yes, and this is how the Holy Spirit brings conviction of sin, righteousness and judgment to unbelievers. But once a person is transformed by the indwelling Holy Spirit, he no longer has the desire to sin. In fact, he hates it and puts his faith totally on Christ and the power of the...
  19. PaulChristensen

    What does it mean that Jesus fulfilled the law, but did not abolish it?

    When we talk about the Law, we are talking about God's moral Law, not the Jewish ceremonial observances that were tacked on to the basic Law as summarized in the Ten Commandments. But the New Covenant purpose of the law is different from the Old Covenant, Justification by keeping the Law and...
  20. PaulChristensen

    Visualization in Prayer

    The Scripture says that the AntiChrist will arise and deceive through false signs and wonders, so how are we going to distinguish the true from the false?