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  1. PaulChristensen

    Cessationism vs. continuationism...does it make any difference?

    It wasn't Jesus. It was Paul, explaining why ungodly Jews found the preaching of the Gospel an offence and the Greeks looked at it as foolishness. The context is not the same as the Scriptures you quoted. The sense of "signs" that Paul was talking about were signs from heaven, and not the...
  2. PaulChristensen

    Cessationism vs. continuationism...does it make any difference?

    The type of signs you are correctly quoting here, are not the signs that Jesus referred when He spoke to the ungodly Pharisees.
  3. PaulChristensen

    Cessationism vs. continuationism...does it make any difference?

    I've also got big teeth to bite you with! :p
  4. PaulChristensen

    Cessationism vs. continuationism...does it make any difference?

    Most reliable commentators, including the church fathers quoted 1 Corinthians 13 as what will happen at the second coming of Christ, and that the perfect was not the Christian Scriptures at all. I cannot see that Ephesians 4 has anything to do with the cessation of Spiritual gifts. Not true...
  5. PaulChristensen

    Cessationism vs. continuationism...does it make any difference?

    Using what Jesus said about the Jews always seeking a sign is out of place when referring to the signs following the Apostles' preaching of the Gospel. He was referring to the specific signs the Jews were expecting to show that the Messiah had come. But when Jesus came, the signs they were...
  6. PaulChristensen

    Cessationism vs. continuationism...does it make any difference?

    By the way, one thought I had about the passage in Mark 16 is that we don't have the original authored document. All we have are manuscripts that date back to the Fourth Century AD. Some have the passage included, and others don't. My view is that by the Fourth Century, there were those who...
  7. PaulChristensen

    Cessationism vs. continuationism...does it make any difference?

    I am a guy who reads and believes the Bible.
  8. PaulChristensen

    What do you say to those trying to justify sin by making the blanket statement that men had to have changed the bible over time?-)

    John in his first letter clearly says that sin is always with us, and the person who denies that they have sin deceives himself and the truth is not in him. We have people who have said that they have totally overcome sin in their lives and no longer sin. They are deceived, because in this...
  9. PaulChristensen

    Cessationism vs. continuationism...does it make any difference?

    There is only one Gospel - the Gospel of Christ that shows His finished work on the Cross and that He rose from the dead to give us eternal life. The Gospel of the Kingdom is the Gospel of Christ, because Christ is the King of the Kingdom. Also, the grace of God is inseparately linked to the...
  10. PaulChristensen

    What do you say to those trying to justify sin by making the blanket statement that men had to have changed the bible over time?-)

    This is because people take random verses out of context and form their doctrines from them. It is important to read the whole Bible to get a full understanding of what God is saying about His plans and purposes for mankind. As far as our attitude to God's Law and how it may apply to us, then...
  11. PaulChristensen

    Cessationism vs. continuationism...does it make any difference?

    That's because there are no Scriptures to support that position. Not one! It is a position dreamed up by a useless, incompetent, self-appointed theological pelican in the 19th Century.
  12. PaulChristensen

    Cessationism vs. continuationism...does it make any difference?

    That just about sums it up for those who are clueless about preaching the Gospel, signs and wonders, spiritual gifts and about what exegesis and hermeneutics is all about.
  13. PaulChristensen

    Cessationism vs. continuationism...does it make any difference?

    Are not the signs connected with going into all the world and preaching the Gospel to every creature? All it needs is 5th Grade comprehension skills to work that out. Making the passage read that the signs are just for Israel is reading into the passage something that just isn't there. The...
  14. PaulChristensen

    Visualization in Prayer

    The answer for you would be to further educate yourself on the New Age movement.
  15. PaulChristensen

    The 10 commandments

    Jesus was fairly clear that the righteousness of the Pharisees consisted in following the external rules of the Law. He went further in that as a man thinks in his heart, so is he. Therefore hating a person, although not doing the act of murder, is the same as murder, because it is murder in...
  16. PaulChristensen

    The 10 commandments

    Why would you want to?
  17. PaulChristensen

    Visualization in Prayer

    It was the OP's comment: "Opening up a new spiritual world" that firmly suggests New Age spirituallty. When I have written plays, I have "seen" the action like a video playing in my mind. But this is not rising to a new "spiritual plane". It is just imagining what they play would look like...
  18. PaulChristensen

    Visualization in Prayer

    I agree. There is no "new" spiritual world for the Christian believer. The Scripture says that believers live by faith, which is total trust and dependence on written Scripture. The "higher life" and "spiritual realm" are figments of the imagination. When the Bible describes a person as...
  19. PaulChristensen

    Visualization in Prayer

    The OP is using the word "visualization" to explain the mental picture of God while praying. I think that is the wrong use of the word, and this has caused the confusion. "visualization" is a New Age occult word to describe "visualising" something they want to receive or to take place in the...