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  1. Chris1975

    Apostasy 101

    That is exactly what happens when the receiver of the gift tramples on the blood of Christ
  2. Chris1975

    Apostasy 101

    1 Timothy 4 1 Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, Why are you denying scripture?
  3. Chris1975

    Apostasy 101

    Hebrews 10v25b has a little treasure which has escaped scrutiny up until now. Since v26 is a verse with much substance, and many bibles make a paragraph split at this point, we can be forgiven for missing quite an important connection with verse 25b. Lets look at it: v25b but exhorting one...
  4. Chris1975

    Heavens VCR player (light-hearted topic)

    You will need 56 three hour VHS Tapes. Yes water existed before the flood. The whole earth was covered by water: Genesis 1 1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 2 The earth was without form, and void; and darkness [a]was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was...
  5. Chris1975

    Jonah Died and went to Hell

    Cool. You should hang out here more often then.
  6. Chris1975

    Jonah Died and went to Hell

    But you still hang out here LOL.
  7. Chris1975

    Jonah Died and went to Hell

    Your dog loves you. I can see that.
  8. Chris1975

    Jonah Died and went to Hell

    Jesus did the comparison ;)
  9. Chris1975

    Jonah Died and went to Hell

    For the Anti-Works clan, you sure have done a lots of Works on that thread trying to sell "Not by Works"...
  10. Chris1975

    Jonah Died and went to Hell

    You really do work yourself up.
  11. Chris1975

    Jonah Died and went to Hell

    Do you have to do that to make your dog smile?
  12. Chris1975

    Jonah Died and went to Hell

    “Out of the belly of Sheol I cried, And You heard my voice. Nuff said Migo.
  13. Chris1975

    Jonah Died and went to Hell

    For 3 years nobody was edified by that WORKSIE thread. Just mumbo jumbo arguing. Now the club is heading out for new material. Good. We progress. DCON even coming out to unignore me to get some fresh ideas. Your welcome.
  14. Chris1975

    Jonah Died and went to Hell

    I just love you guys coming over from that Not by Works Thread and spending time with us over here on the more interesting threads. Not enough new material over there? LOL :D:D:D. Well stay and enjoy. You're welcome.
  15. Chris1975

    Jonah Died and went to Hell

    You cant compare to Daniel. Daniel was righteous and standing in faith (and God protected Daniel and his friends). Jonah on the other hand was put into God's judgement. God sent the fish to kill Jonah. The only thing that helped Jonah was to call out to God, for His Mercy from Sheol. Which he...
  16. Chris1975

    Jonah Died and went to Hell

    You have a thread for that. Enjoy learning about it.
  17. Chris1975

    Jonah Died and went to Hell

    DCON is a fairly scripture light type of believer.
  18. Chris1975

    Jonah Died and went to Hell

    It was a bit harsh IMO. Especially considering what he is going though as indicated on the following post.
  19. Chris1975

    Heavens VCR player (light-hearted topic)

    When we get to heaven, and if God says there were VCR DVD or Digital records :) of all of the events recorded in the bible, playable from any angle and vantage point, which of the Bible stories would you choose to play first with your heavenly issued VR headset?