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  1. Chris1975

    That Hebrews 10v26 Thread

    Ma'am I would be highly surprised if you have even read the bible cover to cover. Because if you had, then you would know that the God of the bible is not as you describe Him on these forums.
  2. Chris1975

    That Hebrews 10v26 Thread

    Nobody is able to keep 100% of the time according to John, and according to practice. We have an Advocate for when we fall, Jesus Christ. Yet you seem to think it a trivial matter, this business of transgression. Well, let me tell you it is deadly serious. The Word who became flesh (Jesus...
  3. Chris1975

    That Hebrews 10v26 Thread

    That's why you are free to do as you wish without repercussion in your doctrine. Which will not hold up in the day of Judgement. You were warned.
  4. Chris1975

    That Hebrews 10v26 Thread

    This is a massive topic to cover. 1. When God tells you to repent, does he repent for you, or do you do it? If He does it then why bother telling you at all? 2. Secondly, look at this verse: 1 Corinthians 11v31 For if we would judge ourselves, we would not be judged. I am not posting this...
  5. Chris1975

    That Hebrews 10v26 Thread

    I am 100% repentant. When something is brought to mind by the HS I am grieved and I stop it.
  6. Chris1975

    That Hebrews 10v26 Thread

    Which ones are you free to break then?
  7. Chris1975

    That Hebrews 10v26 Thread

    These adversaries were at one point sanctified. Therefore it cannot be your interpretation.
  8. Chris1975

    That Hebrews 10v26 Thread

    Birds of the air.
  9. Chris1975

    That Hebrews 10v26 Thread

    You don't pop in and out of salvation like that. It's not how it works. You are saved and you remain saved until such time as you totally reject Christ, willfully reject living by the Spirit and jumping headlong into serving the flesh without any remorse or compunction for change. Then, you are...
  10. Chris1975

    That Hebrews 10v26 Thread

    Hell is hot and I DONT want you going there Mr Melach. I want you to be on solid footing and foundation. That's starts with not rejecting any scripture posted. If you don't understand, you will in time. If your heart is sincere and open, God will mould you and show you. If you harden your heart...
  11. Chris1975

    That Hebrews 10v26 Thread

    In case anybody hasn't realised it yet there is one common theme throughout the entire Bible. And that is SIN. God calls a people to worship Him in Spirit and TRUTH. And this is not possible with sin separating man from God. We are in need of. A Saviour, who not only paid the penalty for our...
  12. Chris1975

    That Hebrews 10v26 Thread

    Why did you change the meaning of sanctification in verse 29 with no evidenciary backup in the passage concerned that this meaning is to be changed???
  13. Chris1975

    That Hebrews 10v26 Thread

  14. Chris1975

    That Hebrews 10v26 Thread

    It is the height of pride for a person to place their own doctrine above that of the Word of God.
  15. Chris1975

    That Hebrews 10v26 Thread

    Unlike you, I have remained true to the definition of sanctification all the way through from Heb 10v10 to Heb 10v29. Let the reader decide for themselves between us, as to who is telling the truth.
  16. Chris1975

    That Hebrews 10v26 Thread

    Look at the Amplified version of Hebrews 10v26. That will explain. It's not the slip you are referring to. The mindset as explained in the Amplified Translation is one of a person who has SET their minds to pursue the earthly, fleshy desires. We know this truth. That is why we preach against...
  17. Chris1975

    That Hebrews 10v26 Thread

    There is no contradiction. It's perfect harmony.
  18. Chris1975

    Apostasy 101

    To which the response was as follows:
  19. Chris1975

    Apostasy 101

    And how did this come about, that they were cut off? Back to the Holy ordering.....they didn't love God. They might have believed, but they never loved Him.
  20. Chris1975

    Apostasy 101

    See post 327