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  1. Aidan1

    Covid 19 Reality

    Well, i dont know why it dont "works" in your country. In my country 90% of the covid patients on the intensiv care wards are unvaccined. This is the best proof, that it works. Do you ever Visited a covid ward in a hospital? Maby you should do and give thanks to God that till now you did not...
  2. Aidan1

    Covid 19 Reality

    Maby you should inform you correctly. The babies you mean 2 Baby,s ( one in the 60s and one in the 80s) which were killed not for purpose of made vaccine with. According what you wrote it sounds that babies were killed for to make the vaccine. This is wrong!
  3. Aidan1


    I am glad to hear, hope and pray you will recover completely.
  4. Aidan1


    In which way you mean? There all are patients we have to take care to.
  5. Aidan1


    If I you nerve you so much, why you respond to my Mails. Set me easy on your ignore list. And i disturb you not anymore.
  6. Aidan1


    Thats sad. You have symtomes?
  7. Aidan1


    It depend on the diagnostic. We know that covid causes a high rate on heartproblems. It enters not only the lung, but also heart and other organs of the body. So if a vaccined positiv covid patients comes because of heartproblem to the hospital, the probability is high this is because of covid...
  8. Aidan1


    Not in my hospital. And i suppose the most would not do so. Every patient who enters our hospital is asked about he is vaxxed or not and is testet about Covid.
  9. Aidan1


    Which damage she exactly has? Long and post covid studies shows that even when the patients had an light covidinfection the heart can be damaged. One test shows from 100 patients between 45 and 53 years old 75% had afterwards heartproblems. However with vaccine is there a risk, but a much...
  10. Aidan1


    In our hospital we are working since beginning with pcr Tests. The people who had covid where positiv. And those who are not were negativ. This is my small expierience. You can manipulate the result, but no one in a hospital is interested to manipulate the tests. Nobody in the hospital likes covid!
  11. Aidan1


    Every test has the risk to show false results in a certain percentage. F.e. for woman the Sonographie of the breast has also an certain percentage of false results in both ways. But still it is a Tool to find out cancer.
  12. Aidan1


    This is not correct! If someone is coming into the hospital and is unvaccined. This was the question. I dont know how it is in your country. In my country if a patient is coming with unclesr diagnosis it will be searched for the reason in every direction. If the person is unvaccined the cause...
  13. Aidan1

    Do we need to repent more than once to stay saved?

    I think that seed_time_harvest, meant the right, but the verse does not realy mean it. Our forgiveness for our salvation is once. The forgiveness for thoughts, words and deeds are needy so often we sin. But this means not that when we forgot to ask for forgiveness for an Single sin, we will...
  14. Aidan1


    When he enters our hospital he will be testet about Covid. If he is testet covid negative. There is no reason for to count him as covidpatient. If he is testet covid positive, he will come in isolation and the diagnostic will reveal if the heart problems are there because of the covidinfection...
  15. Aidan1


    Well, as I said, you should not read only the antivaxx supporting papers. If you will judge the vaccine fair, you have also to read the Provaxx supporting papers. But the way your expression, this is not your goal. For you seems to me any provaxxer an enemy. That the vaccine works proofes me...
  16. Aidan1


    You seems to forget, that the virus always is more worse then the vaccine. Otherwise no vaccine would be used. As I maby said in the past. Visit hospitals which taking care about Covidpatients and ask the nurses and doctors which working everyday that the patients overlife their infection. Ask...
  17. Aidan1


    Who claimed that the vaccine is the ultimative healing? It is not, but it is also not the horrorthing what others here claimed. I only can say, how the numbers are in germany. If the vaccine would be full of poison and whatever is claimed we would find this in the media. Our media is not so...
  18. Aidan1


    Thank you, the Lord may strenghten your faith. The Lord may be with you.
  19. Aidan1


    Hope you will recover soon. I got today my 3rd injection (booster) biontec. The first two i had expectable pain for 2 days in the vaccined arm.
  20. Aidan1


    We have presently over 54 000 000 vaccined people and over 1400 people laying on the intensiv wards in germany. From these over 1400 patients 90 % are unvaccined. The 10% are older people, or people with heavy predeseases. That means the 90% must not be there if they would be vaccined. And...