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  1. Aidan1


    Hi Arran, thats Nonsens. Nowhere is this said in the bible. Ask your teacher to show you were he has found this claim.
  2. Aidan1


    If you have it, then be glad. And I agree with you. Reality shows that many many people had no natural immunity. Till today around 4.928377 people worldwide had not this immunity and would maby alive, if they had the shot.
  3. Aidan1


    Thats absolute Nonsens brother. Can it be that you have Kind of Paranoia? You have no medical knowledge. Otherwise you could not say such things. I mean you are free to believe it, but dont declare it as truth.
  4. Aidan1


    What I am saying has nothing to do with politic or idealogie. I am working as nurse (male) in hospital. This is what I learned about infection deseases. What every nurse is learning in their Training to become a nurse. What is shocking me is that so many even Christians blindly believe these...
  5. Aidan1


    You dont know, and this is meant for all kind of vaccation, special against contagious deseases, as much people are vaccined desto better, not for oneself, but for others too? Who is vaccined cant in the most cases not spread the deseases to others. This is not New! That covid is contagious in...
  6. Aidan1


    Then be glad and not live in countrys like brasil
  7. Aidan1


    Means what? I did not say nobody is paying taxes in germany. I said people who cant pay taxes getting free health care as everybody else. Out of privat patients of course.
  8. Aidan1


    Thats the point. You are in the US. It is normal here that an employer payes taxes. But people who have no job get free health care and they dont need to pay taxes.
  9. Aidan1


    Which excuse? You should read what the law says exactly.
  10. Aidan1


    Awful service? Exorbitant taxation? Thats maby in your country! This is not so in germany.
  11. Aidan1


    Then hopely the fracture is not dislocatet, otherwise you need an surgery. What about, diabetic, rheumatism, highpressure, and all the infections through fungies, virus and bacteria. Your solution?
  12. Aidan1


    There are enough people in germany, which are not able to pay tax. For them the health care system is free.
  13. Aidan1


    It would be great, if you could proof this claim. Are you shure, that the Media you are useing, the things you have in your household, the food you eat, the cloth you wear is not from a globalist( satanist)?
  14. Aidan1


    I would like to know what you understand under true medicine.
  15. Aidan1


    The government from Hessen said to the shopowners If you want you can do so. But till now, i dont know any Shop whwipractice it. It is no law from the goverment to be a must. The shopowner has right and the responsibility to say yes or no.
  16. Aidan1


    We had till today 4410000 covid infections, dark figure will be more. and over 94000 deaths. I am not afraid about my person to infect with, even I work in hospital. You just ignore that 140 millions will not survive this desease. If the statistik is correct. But it seems that this not matters you.
  17. Aidan1


    Mab you had the natural immunity before? And this treatment supportet your immunesystem. You have a immunity now, because your body bildet up antibodys against covid, after you had it. This helped you, not the treatment. This will function with 98% of those who will get the covidvirus. . But...
  18. Aidan1


    Yes, look back in the history and read how many people dies through deseases. No you must not go into the past. In the present people dies because of deseases. What is with there natural immunity? Why we need medicine? According to your post we dont need it. You forgot that we live since the...
  19. Aidan1


    Any proof? BTW Is not the whole world our enemy? How much you take without problems from the enemy?
  20. Aidan1


    Thank you. If you sufficient with this and it helpes you its o.k. I am not against alternatives. I am only against the claim that the vaccine is evil and all who takes it, too. And I am against the proofless claimes that people will die or are manipulatable trough the vaccine.