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  1. Aidan1


    Well, of course they are free. Everyone in germany poor or rich can get the vaccine and the neccassary covid treatment for free. Thats because of our healthsystem. But in many countrys of this world this is not the case. You need to give the vaccine 2 times, maby a 3rd time. The your...
  2. Aidan1


    Then fine and gratulation to yourself, that you dont belong to the 2%. Good to know who belongs to the 2%. You can ask my indian friends how many of their friends and familymembers belonged to the 2%. Its saying that at least 200 indian pastors died because they belonged to the 2%. They all are...
  3. Aidan1


    Nobody in germany is restrictet to entry a grocery store, many you mean Austria.? You even must not be vaccined for to enter it. What me hitting is that Christians following unproofed conspiracy theorys and hold believers for nonbelievers if they take the vaccine. The Antichrist and his...
  4. Aidan1


    Affordable to whom? People which even have no money for food? Ivermectin in the lab was usefull. The dose was 5 microgram,per milliliter blood. A human will tolerate 0,08 microgram per milliliter blood without getting health problems. All made studies showed that ivermectin is not helping...
  5. Aidan1


    Well, then is to hoped that you use the right dose and dont have sideeffects againt the mentioned stuff. And to hope you belong to the people which have the money to buy this stuff. Btw. Vitamin C will the body only take what he needs, the Plus he will excrete. So it is only usefull, if the...
  6. Aidan1


    Will you say, all christians who are getting sick, are no real Christians? Oh thats new to me, please the bible references.
  7. Aidan1

    How do Church Leaders Enforce.....

    Well, when Paul, foundet the church in different places he instruct to set in eldest (plural) . So what we today have with an one man leadership is not what the letters from the NT taught. The eldest have to lead the church and this encludes the spirituell issues.
  8. Aidan1


    This was a question to Davetree. But O.k. Do you also believe that the virus is designed for to be manipulate through G5? To your question. I think nobody can stop what has to come in our fathers plan. I am always careful in trusting human beeings. I made enough bad expieriences with non...
  9. Aidan1

    Alcoholic Beverages

    Well, if you look how alcohol is destroying people then it should not wonder you. In my neighborhood drinking alcohol is something what should not be missed on any feast. My brother in law, destroyed his life and this of his family because of drinking alcohol.
  10. Aidan1


    PennEd your disagree sign means that you believe everything what someone is claiming and you need no proof for it. Correct? Then I can understand why you support all this conspiracy theorys.
  11. Aidan1


    Still this has nothing to do with your claim that the covid virus is designed for to manipulate through G5.
  12. Aidan1


    I do not realy understand, what that what you wrote has to do with your unproofed claim. What for consequences?
  13. Aidan1


    You make no evidence, because you cant. You claime that the virus is made for to manipulate through G5. This is a heavy accusing. And without proof, this is defamation.
  14. Aidan1


    Pen Ed, thats realy your meaning? Someone can make claimes as he like without to proof it? You would accept this? I cant imagine.
  15. Aidan1


    If some claimes something, he should be able to proof it. A claime without proof is empty and worthless.
  16. Aidan1


    But this still has nothing to do what you claim about the virus.
  17. Aidan1


    Can it be that you watch to much sience fiction movies? Or can you proof that the Sars-coV-2'virus was designed for to manipulate through the G5 frequencies? I mean this would be a reason for to get the novel price.
  18. Aidan1


    The covid virus has to do with the G5 like the Hepatitis A virus with G4
  19. Aidan1


    Thats realy nonsense, sorry to say.
  20. Aidan1


    I have some coworkers (nurses) which went through covid in january. One of them will start end of the month again with work,after 10 month. One young one got thrombosis, and the others still have problems with finding words, ore weakness. In your case it is to say. Praise the Lord! The...