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  1. Aidan1


    What is the difference? And how you identify it?
  2. Aidan1


    I am not shure from whom you speaking. Provaxx or antivaxx, both working with their God given understanding. Or would you say a an antivaxx supporter is more from God guided then an provaxx supporter? Would you say the antivaxx supporter is the good one and the provaxx supporter is the bad one...
  3. Aidan1


    You know we are living on big Planet, with many realitys. Yes, you are right Dr. Young has made an different research, but he is not able to proof his claimes and conclusions. So no other workgroup could support his view. Why he not published his work on Pubmed? The biggest free databank in...
  4. Aidan1


    Sorry, i mean: then you maby should not brlieve everything what you read or hear.
  5. Aidan1


    Then you maby should not believe everything what you believe. The claim is that 99% of graphene oxid is in the vaccine. If 0.5% would be in the vaccine the vaccine would be colored brown. 99% would be deepblack. Thats a fake claime from a spain professor without any proof, even his university...
  6. Aidan1


    This is not true! There is no graphene oxide in the vac, otherwise the vac would be colored black. Delgados claimes are false.
  7. Aidan1


    Well, I have no proof for both. But I believe it is in Gods plan for the world. We are in the last time, and what the bible tells us about the future will come. Never mankind was so near that things which are mentioned in rev. 13 could come true. Obviously the Pandemie pushes this. Without the...
  8. Aidan1


    If i would say that only taking vitamin c and healthy food would avoid that you will got Covid, i would lie!! These things can support your immunesystem. And again the most people on our Planet have no resources to have healthy food and vitamins. Also it is known that the body will not take...
  9. Aidan1


    Maby we have different views, from who is the Wolf. Paul warned the eldest of Ephesus, that the Wolfes will come out of the church. But your right the future will reveal it.
  10. Aidan1


    These are no facts and no truth. The numbers for germany which had vaccined and die are under 50 in the time from Dez.20 till 1.8.21 Out of over 54 000 000 full vaccined people. It may be some more death, but not the numbers you Claimed as proof. Why you dont go to the intensiv wards of the...
  11. Aidan1


    Well said, the devil dont need the vaccine to divide children of God. There are reasons why someone should not get the vaccine, this is right. And there is the hope that they also will not get the virus. But the reasons you mentioned are not the point of the So called antivaxxers. The point is...
  12. Aidan1


    How much the whistleblower got to tell this?
  13. Aidan1


    Which evidence? That the vaccine depopulate the world? That the vaccine is a lethal injection? That the vaccine is poison? What is the source of the virus? A lab in Wuhan? Till today this is not proofed. What is the source of the vaccine? A lab in Wuhan? Several Labs in the world working to...
  14. Aidan1

    What benefit has an believer to reject the vaccine againt SARS-coV-2?

    You are shure that you put not your own thoughts together? Since 1938 we have vaccines against flu and many other deseases. So long the world is running after the sinfall Power and money rules the people. And suddenly you blaming the Industrie because they warn money with the vaccine? This is...
  15. Aidan1

    What benefit has an believer to reject the vaccine againt SARS-coV-2?

    Well, i found not better forum. And it is in a sense a family matter. My friend is married with an handycapetet russiangerman believer. They stayed together in a house with the wifes parents. When it came to the vaccine, my friend and his wife took the vaccine. But the wifes parents were not...
  16. Aidan1


    Who infentend the microscop ? And when? Before this nobody knew from the existenz of bacteria and virus. It is known that certain virus types have an high number of reproduction and this why a greater number of mutations and variants. Thats nothing special.
  17. Aidan1


    I think the nature Was never before in conflict with all kinds of chemical stuff as it is today. The world of microcosmos is so unknown to us. So no wonder about all this changeings and the possibilitys to mutate.
  18. Aidan1


    Well, i can remember that many years ago there was a saying that a pandemie will come. This what we have now, is the first time in the last 100 years. So it is no wonder that all are unshure, scary and confused how to handle with.
  19. Aidan1


    Well the question is do the conspiracy theoreticers understand the same as the WEF under the great reset? To think global in a global world is not wrong. But of course, even without the conspiracy theories it will lead over short or long to the Antichrist. But again the vaccines itself has...
  20. Aidan1


    You cant proof it is a weapon. Thats the point. It may be an labaccident where there is also no proof. As weapon it seems very useless. And what the with the vaccine? Is it also a weapon. The most people here are against the vaccine more then against the Virus, it seems to me.