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  1. L

    The Apostasy

    Hi Runningman, In the Olivet discourse prior to the abomination of desolations appearance, the world will be experiencing numerous dire situations, including famines, pestilences, wars, along with other plagues. When these things are occurring, is when the tribulation on the faithful is set to...
  2. L

    The Apostasy

    I also believe many pre tribbers will be besides themselves that they are here when things on the earth go south big time. Many of these pretribbers, who have little root in the Word, will be those who hate those who having more root in the Word, were expecting the tribulation, and thus will...
  3. L

    The Apostasy

    Hello TheDivineWatermark, Sorry not to have gotten back to you sooner on this. I see Isaiah 40:10 where the Lord comes with might, with His reward with Him, and His recompense accompanying Him, correlating with Revelation 11:18, where the Lord returns at the conclusion of the beasts 42 months...
  4. L

    The Apostasy

    Good morning Nebuchadnezzer, I agree that the basics for the man of sin to appear are somewhat already in place, as I explained in several posts here how the Lord provides us with correlations in scriptures in order to better understand what is being referred to in other scriptures. For example...
  5. L

    plagues and the Beast

    No I do not think that the Covid-19 pandemic is currently worse than was the black plague death. Nor do I think that the Covid-19 pandemic to be currently worse than the 1918-1919 Spanish flu pandemic. But those plagues weren't associated with the plagues in Revelation 8 & 9 that are due to the...
  6. L

    plagues and the Beast

    The sinful nature you speak of are in Revelation 9:21, which result from the love mankind has for the things his hands produce in Revelation 9:20. It's idolatry/materialism (the love for the things industry produces) that bring about the sins in Revelation 9:21. You also stated that the rider...
  7. L

    plagues and the Beast

    I have the Lords Word in Revelation 9:20 attributing the plagues in Revelation chapters 8 & 9 to the love mankind has for the things his hands produce. I would be careful by adding to the Word with conjectures that are not supported by the Word in Revelation; where those who do so will...
  8. L

    plagues and the Beast

    In Revelation 9:20, the Lord informs us that the plagues described by the first six angels sounding warnings in chapters 8 & 9 are due to the love mankind has for the things his hands produce. Upon the fifth angels sounding warning, a falling star whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon and in Greek is...
  9. L

    plagues and the Beast

    In Revelation 9:20, the Lord informs us that the plagues described by the first six angels sounding warnings in chapters 8 & 9 are due to the love mankind has for the things his hands produce. As the fifth angels sounding warning is that in which the beast shall ascend from the bottomless pit...
  10. L

    The Apostasy

    Spot on. One example of Apostasy today I believe can be seen where we are supposed to love our neighbor, but also love to hear the words of hate at some politicians hate rallies. In effect, these individuals have exchanged their faith in love for their neighbor, for hate for their neighbor.
  11. L

    The Apostasy

    Good morning everyone, Rather than listening to a lot of unsubstantiated dogmas, and twisting's on the Word from God, look to correlations in the Word that the Lord provides throughout the bible to understand what is going on, and why it is going on. Therefore to put this topic back on track...
  12. L

    The Apostasy

    As I have stated here in several posts; the Lord provides us numerous cross references in His Word to understand what is being referred to. If we know the man of sin is another term for the Antichrist, which is another term for the beasts mouth, which is another term for the little horn of the...
  13. L

    The Apostasy

    The man of sin was restrained from being in Paul's lifetime due to the lack of technology. Technology today are what the bible calls sorceries. Revelation 9:21 Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts.
  14. L

    The Apostasy

    More accurately, fusion energy being benign in nature is the lie the man of sin, who is the beasts mouth will propagate. The majority of mankind will choose to accept this lie over the truth of its being considerably more environmentally destructive than the fossil fuels destruction to 1/3 of...
  15. L

    The Apostasy

    As I stated previously, the Apostasy are those who previously believed in what Christ believed, which is love your neighbor, believe in truth and justice, and in all spiritual virtues Christ advocated for. These apostates, will then convert to the hedonistic utopia the beasts system will usher...
  16. L

    The Apostasy

    Fusion energy which will be touted as a clean energy source, not causing the issues fossil fuels will have caused, with the undeniable results seen in Revelation 8, is the virtually unlimited amount of energy that hydrogen isotopes that the worlds oceans have a virtually unlimited (bottomless...
  17. L

    The Apostasy

    This is going to take several paragraphs to explain what the sin is in association with the man of sin, that mankind will choose while rejecting the truth about the lie; which some here will undoubtedly deny, until these occurrences come about, and even then, there will be those here who will...
  18. L

    The Apostasy

    There are approximately two billion who claim to have a Christ based faith. Of these two billion, the vast majority have very little root in the Word of God, and as such when tough times come around, as will be the day of the Lord with great tribulation, will then fall away from their supposed...
  19. L

    The Apostasy

    Yes, the day of the Lord is occurring when the man of sin who is the beasts mouth propagates the lie that people will choose while rejecting the truth about its implications. Soon to be explained, once I'm finished responding to those who responded to me since yesterday.
  20. L

    The Apostasy

    I also believe that many Catholics who have very little, or no root in the Word will fall away when the man of sin comes around. But it's not just Catholics; it's everyone who has very little, or no root in the Word whose faith will vanish quickly when things start getting rough (Mark 4:16-17)...