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  1. L

    Believers and non believers; what's the difference?

    I do not save myself. Love saves me. This is the same as saying God saves me.
  2. L

    Believers and non believers; what's the difference?

    My love for my neighbor surpasses my overcoming my carnal inclinations, and saves me, and awards me the kingdom of heaven as indicated in Luke 10 and Matthew 25. Do you not understand what Love is?
  3. L

    Believers and non believers; what's the difference?

    If I died today I would hope my faith/belief in loving my neighbor as myself would be as the Samaritan in Luke 10, and the sheep in Matthew 25 who loved their neighbor. I would far more prefer these individuals positions to the faithless priest and rabbi who supposedly knew God, but did not love...
  4. L

    Believers and non believers; what's the difference?

    I disagree, if I continue to overcome my carnal inclinations then I am doing as directed by the Lord in Revelation chapters 2 & 3. Those who do not overcome their carnal inclinations are they who are not ultimately saved. Come on common sense says they who do not overcome their carnal...
  5. L

    Believers and non believers; what's the difference?

    Since the whole law is comprised in the two greatest commandments to love God with everything we have, and our neighbor as ourselves; I then recognize the goats in Matthew 25 as not having fulfilled either of the two greatest commandments, whereas the sheep in Matthew 25, by loving their...
  6. L

    Believers and non believers; what's the difference?

    My being saved is ongoing as I continue overcoming my carnal inclinations.
  7. L

    Believers and non believers; what's the difference?

    You may see me wanting to leave my sins as me working my way to heaven, but I see it as my voluntary decision to leave my sins (Romans 12:1) which I had been slave to, but thanks to the Lords sacrifice, I am now able to leave/overcome. We are all given the choice to overcome our carnal natures...
  8. L

    Believers and non believers; what's the difference?

    To be saved, means to be saved away from the weak and beggarly elements, to a new spiritual existence with the Lord. Some of us, however, will choose to revert to their carnal inclinations, and thereby no longer be saved away from the weak and beggarly elements from which they were enslaved...
  9. L

    Believers and non believers; what's the difference?

    The Fathers Christ to us is Jesus. Jesus is also referred to as the Word, and as the Truth, and Light, and several other descriptions.
  10. L

    Believers and non believers; what's the difference?

    Most of us here believe to varying degrees. We are to build up our faith, which I am doing by continuing to seek the Lord.
  11. L

    Believers and non believers; what's the difference?

    You quoted Romans 10:9-10, and then tell me Romans 13:10 is not gospel. I will believe Romans 13:10 is the Word of God, and that love does fulfill all the law.
  12. L

    Believers and non believers; what's the difference?

    No love for others (their neighbor) on the left.
  13. L

    Believers and non believers; what's the difference?

    I agree, that those in Matthew 7:23 are they who will have trusted in their own works getting them into heaven.
  14. L

    Believers and non believers; what's the difference?

    Faith means to believe. So believe is what we must do.
  15. L

    Believers and non believers; what's the difference?

    You never heard that love fulfills the Law? Romans 13:10 Love worketh no ill to his neighbour: therefore love is the fulfilling of the law.
  16. L

    Believers and non believers; what's the difference?

    The only law is to love God and our neighbor, which complies with all the law.
  17. L

    Believers and non believers; what's the difference?

    I do believe what Romans 10:9-10 state. I see its spiritual meaning, whereas others see it superficially. Those who see it superficially, can include anyone who does not believe, to utter the words that Jesus is Lord.
  18. L

    Believers and non believers; what's the difference?

    Someone who wants to be saved, wants to be saved from their carnal inclinations to this world. We want to exchange our being servants to the flesh to being servants to the Spirit. While the Samaritan in Luke 10, the sheep in Matthew 25:33-40, and many others throughout the millennia, may not...
  19. L

    Believers and non believers; what's the difference?

    Do you understand that anyone without any true faith in God and His Christ who is love can mouth the words: "Jesus is Lord", and not mean it. They who confess with their mouths the Lord Jesus, who are saved in Romans 10:9-10, are they who believe love (who is Jesus), being predominant in their...
  20. L

    Believers and non believers; what's the difference?

    Good day Ahwatukee, They to whom the Lord will proclaim never having known are at the judgment seat, where they are making their case; appealing with: "Lord, Lord...". These are then cast out into the outer darkness, where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth, with no further room to appeal...