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  1. L

    The Pre-Tribulation Rapture: The Blessed Hope of the Saints

    Good morning Pilgrimshope, Yes I do consider it to be a literal 42 months, because this time frame also appears in Revelation 11:2 & 3 when the gentiles tread Jerusalem underfoot, while the two witnesses are testifying there for 1,260 days. This is when the beast who rises from the bottomless...
  2. L

    The Pre-Tribulation Rapture: The Blessed Hope of the Saints

    There are no scriptures supporting a dual coming to faith in Christ, where the Lord comes and picks up a first crew, departs, and then returns later for a second crew.
  3. L

    The Pre-Tribulation Rapture: The Blessed Hope of the Saints

    Rather than going into bowls and trumpets, the 144,000, and other things, the important thing is that when the 42 months of the beast is up, the Lord's wrath then comes upon the worshippers of the beast, while the Lords servants on the earth at that time are then to be rewarded. This rewarding...
  4. L

    The Pre-Tribulation Rapture: The Blessed Hope of the Saints

    Gods wrath will only come upon the worshippers of the beast at that time, while those who have not worshiped the beast are rewarded (Revelation 11:18). Revelation 11:18 And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou...
  5. L

    Hour of Temptation

    Yeah, those who endure to their end, are those saved. Matthew 10:22 And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved.
  6. L

    The Pre-Tribulation Rapture: The Blessed Hope of the Saints

    A difference in time is clearly specified between the dead in Christ rising first prior to the living in Christ on the earth rising afterward. If you wish to believe this is immediately together, that's up to you. But as I see numerous other scriptures (some of which I have posted in response to...
  7. L

    The Pre-Tribulation Rapture: The Blessed Hope of the Saints

    What the Lord's people will not suffer is the Lord's wrath on the beast's worshippers (Revelation 11:18). The Lord's wrath upon the beast's followers commences following the 42 months allotted the dragon, the beast, and the beast's mouth (aka the Antichrist), at which time the Lord returns...
  8. L

    The Pre-Tribulation Rapture: The Blessed Hope of the Saints

    It seems to me that you are claiming both a simultaneous ascension with the saints who have been killed, along with the saints who remain when the Lord returns, as well as stating that the dead in Christ are already ascended. If what you are saying is that there is a time difference between the...
  9. L

    The Pre-Tribulation Rapture: The Blessed Hope of the Saints

    When the faithful in Christ suffered persecutions and were martyred they experienced tribulation. Likewise, many Christians today throughout the world are experiencing tribulation. Some of us may very well not be waiting for the 7 year covenant with many to commence in which great tribulation...
  10. L

    The Pre-Tribulation Rapture: The Blessed Hope of the Saints

    When the dead in Christ rise first, they are then caught up to God first. They are not given new mortal bodies to walk around on the earth, and then soon thereafter discard those carnal bodies, fly up to heaven, and then return with the Lord to meet the remnant surviving saints.
  11. L

    The Pre-Tribulation Rapture: The Blessed Hope of the Saints

    God's wrath commences upon the faithless worshipers of the beast at the conclusion of the beasts system (Revelation 11:18). One should then not confuse the Lord's wrath upon the faithless beast's worshippers with the tribulation that will be taking place on the saints prior to the Lord's wrath.
  12. L

    The Pre-Tribulation Rapture: The Blessed Hope of the Saints

    Would there be a reason to inform us that the dead in Christ rise first, if the living rise immediately after? The logical answer is that it would not be necessary to inform us of a nearly simultaneous rising. There is a time difference between the saints who are dying today who will rise prior...
  13. L

    The Pre-Tribulation Rapture: The Blessed Hope of the Saints

    There are no specific scriptures to validate that there will be another round of saints following your supposed preceding rapture to the great tribulation. There are, however, many scriptures that show that those saints who die in the Lord during the tribulation, and are caught up to God, will...
  14. L

    The Pre-Tribulation Rapture: The Blessed Hope of the Saints

    I wonder what the patience of the saints is when the system of the beast is killing everyone who does not take its mark? Where's the great flyaway prior to Satan, the Beast, and Antichrist's system here? Revelation 13:10 He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth...
  15. L

    How many beleive we are in the Tribulation period now and why

    While I am not certain whether a covenant with many has yet been initiated that lasts seven years in which there is great tribulation, I do, however, believe we are in the beginning of the day of the Lord, which correlate with many of the dire events in the Olivet discourse that precede the...
  16. L

    Hour of Temptation

    The hour of temptation is that when the system of the beast is enacted in which all who are not written in the lambs book of life shall worship/adore the dragon, the beast, and the beasts' mouth (the little horn, the false prophet, a.k.a. the Antichrist). Apparently, the dragon, the beasts' and...
  17. L

    Why have the Sign Gifts Ended

    The Lord clearly states in John 14:12 that all who believe in Him will do the works he did and even greater works. This means everyone who believes on Christ will do the works Christ did and even greater works. When I cannot do the works Christ did, I then realize the problem is with me and not...
  18. L

    Why have the Sign Gifts Ended

    While I do agree that there are some instructions in the four gospels specifically directed to the apostles present; John 14:12 where the Lord says that those who believe on Him will do the works Jesus did, and even greater works, applies to all who believe on Christ. You again seem to want to...
  19. L

    Why have the Sign Gifts Ended

    The Lord in John 14:12 states: "He that believeth on me", shall do the works that He shall do, and even greater works. Why would you want to twist the Lord's Word to say something other than what He clearly says? There are other scriptures as well, which show the faithful in Christ at the...
  20. L

    Why have the Sign Gifts Ended

    If you are referring to the signs and acts that are supposed to follow all who believe in Christ (John 14:12); it is very simple, it is because we are all currently double minded, believing in both the Lord and Mammon, why we do not do the miracles and acts like those of Jesus, and even greater...