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  1. L

    The Book Of Revelation ..

    The book of Enoch also parallels much of what is in the book of Revelation, but has even more surreal descriptions than those in Revelation. The more important thing is that up to and including chapter 3 in Revelation, the Lord informs the churches that they are to overcome the things in this...
  2. L

    Why it will be a pre-trib rapture and why the rapture takes place.

    Micah 5:3 does clearly describe Jesus giving up his days on earth, until a certain travailing woman gives birth, who are the remnant brethren. This is the same travailing woman in Revelation 12, who gives birth to the male child in Revelation 12:5, who are the remnant of her seed in Revelation...
  3. L

    Why it will be a pre-trib rapture and why the rapture takes place.

    You may be correct, or partially correct, or totally incorrect in one or more of your conjectures. Conjectures do not provide the substantive convincing power that the Word carries. Additionally, as we are seeing the world descend into ever greater chaos with tribulations against Christians...
  4. L

    What is "the age to come?"

    The age to come is when the Lord commences to reign on the earth with His saints. This comes at the conclusion of the beasts 42 month reign with the Antichrist, at which time the judgment shall sit and rule to take away the beasts dominion, while awarding the kingdom and dominion on the earth to...
  5. L

    Why it will be a pre-trib rapture and why the rapture takes place.

    Approximately up to 50 million Americans, of which over half are Christians, now do not have enough to eat. So while this hunger may not be the more dire tribulations and executions Christians are experiencing in other nations, it nevertheless does seem to qualify as a tribulation if you are...
  6. L

    Why it will be a pre-trib rapture and why the rapture takes place.

    Could you show me scriptures to confirm your claims that there will first be a rapture of the church that is then followed by a new bunch of believers coming in later when there are no believers to guide and instruct anyone? It seems counterintuitive to me that someone is going to come to...
  7. L

    Choosing to sin, after we have received the knowledge of the truth, is choosing to be lost.

    The true temple of God isn't a stone building (Acts 17:24). The true temple of God is within us, where God dwells (1 Corinthians 3:16). So while I agree with you that the papacy is not the true church of Christ; the papacy nevertheless does not hold sway in enacting any meaningful policy...
  8. L

    Why it will be a pre-trib rapture and why the rapture takes place.

    It does look to me that the saints during the beast and Antichrist's reign in Revelation 13:10 and 14:12-13 are experiencing some extreme tribulation. Revelation 13:10 He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is...
  9. L

    Why it will be a pre-trib rapture and why the rapture takes place.

    I read in Daniel 7 and Revelation 13 when the 10 horned beast, along with the little horn whose mouth speaks great things (a.k.a., the Antichrist) comes around that he will overcome and wear out the saints. All deaths throughout the world, including the saints are attributed to Babylon the great...
  10. L

    Why it will be a pre-trib rapture and why the rapture takes place.

    While it is true that the true church has experienced persecutions and tribulations from its coming into existence; in the last few years these persecutions and tribulations and murders have been increasing throughout the world. So once again where is these Christians rapture? Lucky we're not in...
  11. L

    Dominion . . ?

    According to the Word in Daniel 7, first comes the 10 horned beast, along with the little horn with its mouth speaking great things (a.k.a., the Antichrist), who will have the last dominion of Satan on the earth, before its dominion is taken away and the kingdom and dominion is awarded to the...
  12. L

    Why it will be a pre-trib rapture and why the rapture takes place.

    While it easy for people here in the U.S., a relatively Christian nation, to believe in a rapture before they experience any sort of tribulation; what does one say to the many other Christians in nations that are not predominantly Christian, where they are currently experiencing persecutions and...
  13. L

    Choosing to sin, after we have received the knowledge of the truth, is choosing to be lost.

    Good morning bud62, I do agree with you that unrighteousness is sin, and that unrighteousness is disobeying God. Additionally, as righteousness is synonymous with faith believing in the Word, then its opposite, unrighteousness can be regarded as not believing in the Word. Those who will not...
  14. L

    Replacement theology.

    You are being deliberately obtuse. I posted Matthew 27:51-53 which shows those who are resurrected following the Lord's three days of interment. If you cannot put a very basic 1+1 together, then I'm afraid that there is very little more I can do here. Here it is again below, just in case you...
  15. L

    Replacement theology.

    Are you being deliberately obtuse? I posted scriptures to support my position, which are very simple logic to follow and understand. There is no reading in between the lines of the resurrection of many of the saints after the Lord's resurrection, thereby indicating their having been saved while...
  16. L

    Replacement theology.

    The point is the saints, David, and others who in their lives were in their hearts repentant of their trespasses and thereby ultimately lived for the Spirit and not the flesh, heard Christ and are saved.
  17. L

    Replacement theology.

    Did not the Lord during the three days in which he was dead not preach to those there? After the Lord's resurrection there were a number of saints who rose from the dead (Matthew 27:51-53). Those who ultimately lived for the Spirit, like David after honestly repenting in his heart of his...
  18. L

    Replacement theology.

    Animal sacrifices by itself are irrelevant to the Lord (Micah 6:7). The Lord does not delight in animal sacrifices (Isaiah 1:11). The purpose of sacrifices to ancient Israel was to an unenlightened backward people to keep in mind the Lord and that there was a right way to live vs. a wrong way to...
  19. L

    Replacement theology.

    Yes, the Lord knew David personally as a teenager. The Lord also knew David before he was born, as the Lord also knows all that are His before they were born.
  20. L

    Replacement theology.

    Those saved from sin are they who want to be saved from sin, not they who choose to be conformed to the world.