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  1. Desdichado

    Do you think Biden (and Co) is as bad as Stalin?

    As for Biden, I don't think it's unfair to say he's surrounded himself with wicked men and women who would institute a woke totalitarian regime were it not for a bevy of legal, political, and cultural restrictions. He's ultimately a mid-century liberal with the basic naivety of that type. His...
  2. Desdichado

    Do you think Biden (and Co) is as bad as Stalin?

    The Soviet Union was a prolific anti-natalist nation as well. Abortion was and still is rampant in Russia as a result of the period's total disregard for human life . This is why the current oligarchy under Putin has tried its utmost to broadcast pro-natalism. Finger wagging really shouldn't be...
  3. Desdichado

    Do you think Biden (and Co) is as bad as Stalin?

    No. The early Soviets were more brutal and efficient.
  4. Desdichado

    Support Israel? Yes or No? And Why?

    Israel. It's a civilized country with all the right enemies.
  5. Desdichado

    Biden flights illegal immigrants into Tennessee at Night

    Impeachment is a funny thing. I'm not calling to scrap the whole idea, but no President was ever forcibly removed from office after being impeached. Andrew Johnson remained in power. Bill Clinton remained in power. Donald Trump was unseated by an election (whether you think it's fair or...
  6. Desdichado

    Great example of why America Loves Trump.. U can post others..

    I'd love to agree, but I think a lot of people are either oblivious to the rot or support it.
  7. Desdichado

    THIS IS NOT A DATING SITE!!! (!!!!!)

    This here's a man who has figured out what's really important.
  8. Desdichado

    Why do people hate the Jews?

    It's because Jews have been the perpetual out-group in almost any culture they saddle up with. So they're either glamorized or villainized. Very little in between.
  9. Desdichado

    Great example of why America Loves Trump.. U can post others..

    You just know the Dems will pass the buck here. They'll claim it was the inevitable outcome of COVID or that Trump set us up for this with his policies. All junk.
  10. Desdichado

    Great example of why America Loves Trump.. U can post others..

    There will be a lot of people who learn to love him in the coming weeks and months. We had new strides for peace in the Middle East. Those are gone. We had cheap energy. That's gone. We had minimal inflation. The average cost of food alone has already risen by almost a tenth. People who...
  11. Desdichado

    Congratulations to President Trump (still president despite deceptive appearances)

    Sure is. Heard it from a guy who regularly appears on Bannon's War Room. I believe his word.
  12. Desdichado

    This poll is intended primarily for Republicans

    The old guard dies but never surrenders!
  13. Desdichado

    Congratulations to President Trump (still president despite deceptive appearances)

    I agree it's an illogical concern, but that's the word from the Trump Whitehouse.
  14. Desdichado

    Congratulations to President Trump (still president despite deceptive appearances)

    He had multiple opportunities to present further challenges (they say six), but chose not to press on for fear it would somehow ruin Ivanka's political career.
  15. Desdichado

    Congratulations to President Trump (still president despite deceptive appearances)

    It will be interesting to see what happens with the vote audit in AZ and the impending one in GA. There is a reason why Soros threw so much money campaigns for Secretary of State (or the equivalent thereof in states without them). Republican megadonors generally avoid doing likewise. Provide...
  16. Desdichado

    What is your dating advice?

    I have much to say and no time to say it, but I appreciate your level of mindfulness on this topic. Younger women would do well to listen to somebody of temperance like yourself.
  17. Desdichado

    What is your dating advice?

    I'll have to part ways here. I'm at my most healthy when I'm in a committed relationship. That isn't to say I won't struggle with sexual sin when I have a wife, but I do think marriage is a viable way to put a perfectly legal lid on it if it hasn't risen to the level of addiction. As Paul...
  18. Desdichado

    What is your dating advice?

    This is especially true of the middle-aged to old-ish married women who fancy themselves spiritual gurus. They'll assume the single (often younger) woman as a sort of spiritual charge and dish out advice and direction that makes my Dr. Des anecdotes look like wise counsel. It often turns into...
  19. Desdichado

    What is your dating advice?

    Really, the equivalent would be you assuming married people cheat when they get bored. There is a good and often unobserved biblical mean between being atomized and being a busybody. Regrettably, our culture of late has not habituated us toward that mean.