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  1. Desdichado

    Gov Abbott of TX going to work on Wall

    I had a fair amount of interaction with him about a decade ago. Same man he is onstage, but maybe a little more quiet. His raw IQ is a lot higher than most politicians out there. I'd love to see what he does with a state as great as Texas.
  2. Desdichado

    Gov Abbott of TX going to work on Wall

    Correct. This is mostly a stunt. There are a lot of rumors out there about people running to his right in the Primary, so he's looking to score points where he can with the base. That said, I'll be happy when the bricks get a laying. It's something, but it won't stop me from supporting Allen...
  3. Desdichado

    Leftist Thinking Is The Most Destructive Element In Existence

    It's sad America is not a beacon of order and sanity. Esau sold his birthright for stew. Honestly, it was a more reasonable trade than whatever we Americans have done to our country.
  4. Desdichado

    To what extent does the OT apply to Christians?

    People who like bagels, rising interest rates, and introspective novels.
  5. Desdichado

    To what extent does the OT apply to Christians?

    Mixed fibres are itchy. Tassels are ugly.
  6. Desdichado

    Do Calvinists believe in free will?

    This is why I am a Calvinist. The Word is sufficient truth, not exhaustive truth. It establishes Man's responsibility and God's sovereignty. The exact relationship between the two can be charted to a degree, but the precise nature is left to the mind of God alone. We may never be able to...
  7. Desdichado

    Why politicians are so corrupt

    You can find decent people under even the most diabolical regimes.
  8. Desdichado

    When was the last time America was more/less normal?

    In terms of political order, before FDR. In terms of discernible social order, before LBJ.
  9. Desdichado

    i know someone who doesn't like Israel...

    There is a pretty wide spectrum of opinions on the Right on almost any topic. The one thing we all seem to have in common is an opposition to the radical humanism planted in the early modern period, nurtured in the enlightenment, and made to bloom in the 20th century.
  10. Desdichado

    Why politicians are so corrupt

    We have the leadership we deserve.
  11. Desdichado

    What should a virtuous woman look for in a man?

    Comparable virtue mixed with masculine qualities. Looking for a so-called "bad boy" or a "soy boy" is a sign of a character defect in the woman.
  12. Desdichado

    Do Calvinists believe in free will?

    Calvinism has a fatalist quality to it, but people often conflate it with the brand of materialist determinism we see today with folks like Sam Harris. Calvinists themselves are to partly blame for this confusion. In Calvinist theology, God determines who is and isn't saved, but the extent to...
  13. Desdichado

    The pope says there is no eternal Hell

    Yes, God lets people say all manner of foolishness.
  14. Desdichado

    The pope says there is no eternal Hell

    Popes say a lot of things.
  15. Desdichado

    Are Christians prepared if the US goes down?

    I'm prepared to move back to Appalachia if it happens.
  16. Desdichado

    How has your life (your views) changed since the Steal?

    I'm a bit more glum than I used to be. Not so much because of the Steal itself as our reaction to it. I really wish the Tea Party made more gains in the early 2010's and got the same level of control in 2012 that it did in 2016. It would have kept the American Right more coalesced and...
  17. Desdichado

    Capitalism for me, Communism and poverty for thee...

    I'm in complete agreement, but we Americans have a history of surprising people including ourselves. Maybe God will grant us another chance and give us the character necessary to see it through.
  18. Desdichado

    Capitalism for me, Communism and poverty for thee...

    We need to replace our elite with a different elite. The successful elected officials, producers of physical goods, and specialized professionals (as opposed to the bureaucratic valet class) need to rise again in order to replicate the conditions under which republican governments flourish.
  19. Desdichado

    Do you think Biden (and Co) is as bad as Stalin?

    They were role models for every 20th-century monster in one way or another.