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    "You all know that a God exists" - Bruggencate, etc.

    Than Thanks - I have seen a few debates and talks with WLC.
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    "You all know that a God exists" - Bruggencate, etc.

    A few words seem to have been missed out in the last part of my post. PS - One thing I've never understood is Jesus' instructions to the disciples to carry swords on the night of His arrest.
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    "You all know that a God exists" - Bruggencate, etc.

    Following up on something you alluded to (man's often violent action in the name of Christ), I'm sometimes unsure about what action would be considered appropriate to take in - eg - time of conflict. My basic belief is that Jesus espoused pacifism - even laying down ones life rather than...
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    "You all know that a God exists" - Bruggencate, etc.

    Thanks. From how you've responded, I think I'd understood.
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    "You all know that a God exists" - Bruggencate, etc.

    I don I don't know. It has been said (perhaps somewhat "dodgily") that "one man's cult is another man's denomination". I personally feel that , although I share others' irritation in his interaction style, he is trying to authentically promote the cause of Christ. I think his...
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    "You all know that a God exists" - Bruggencate, etc.

    Thanks for your input. I had some difficulty in phrasing this response. I hope I've accurately represented you. May I ask - re. your uncertainty - Are your overall thoughts that you are "uprooted" as to having a firm belief? Maybe I've missed something, but I'm unsure as to whether you...
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    "You all know that a God exists" - Bruggencate, etc.

    I'd like to hear people's views on this idea, promoted by Sye Ten Bruggencate etc. - that God has somehow revealed His 0existence to each one of us and that "atheists" are suppressing this truth in unrighteousness. A personal anecdote - I wasn't brought up in a religious home, but in my...
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    Trinity or Unity

    The way I see it is:- Paul had a background of strict Judaism. He had a zeal for God. When he was persecuting Christians, he thought he was doing the right thing and not "fighting" God.
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    Drunkenness' as sin in the Bible

    To anyone who would like to comment: - Would you say that drinking an excess of alcohol is in itself sinful, or is only the activity that could be engaged in in a drunk state sinful? A side issue - Does anyone have any insight as to the extent and circumstances of Noah's drunkenness? It has...
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    Can We be Saved if We Don't Love God/Jesus?

    Back to my old point. Is mere "belief" (as in common parlance) enough? Or is more required? - eg - adherence to the cause of Christ, love of God, repentance of sin, works. There's so much disagreement on these vital issues?
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    Drunkenness' as sin in the Bible

    Now we're talking about alcohol, I'd like to bring up an issue I've previously mentioned - Did Jesus drink alcoholic wine? Obviously He drank "wine" as stated in the NT, but it has been stated by Pastor Steven Anderson that "oene", translated "wine", is an non-alcoholic fruit juice. Could...
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    Drunkenness' as sin in the Bible

    If no sin is greater than any other, why is Job called righteous and Judas Iscariot "the son of perdition"? I've heard this idea that "all sin is equal". I don't know where it comes from, but it certainly doesn't seem to be from the Bible.
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    Once saved always saved?

    I certainly don't believe the style of the Westboro Baptist Church is effective in gathering adherents.
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    Once saved always saved?

    Thanks for replying. I don't know if you've come across and/ or considered their beliefs. I've seen a few debates with James White.
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    Once saved always saved?

    Although tact is appropriate when evangelising, correct teaching is very important.
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    Once saved always saved?

    I've glanced through the link you posted and maybe I can revisit it later. One thing I noticed was the reference to Calvinism. Maybe you've made the issue clear and I haven't noticed, but could you answer - are you a Calvinist? It's a concept I've come across, which seems counter-intuitive...
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    Once saved always saved?

    "Basing your whole life on technicalities" - that seems dismissive! It seems you don't believe there's a danger in potentially being wrong.
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    Trinity or Unity

    That brings back some memories! I met them in Oxford, England. I was 26 and knew nothing of Christianity and the Bible. I think in America, Christianity is more ingrained in Society than in Britain. One thing I couldn't understand was they wanted me to pay for their course. That didn't...
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    Once saved always saved?

    Whether or not your first point is true, isn't it important we understand what is required of us to be saved and think and act accordingly? Our eternity may depend on it.