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    Posting problems

    Thanks. I don't know what all this "punctuation thing is about 'though.
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    Trinity or Unity

    This may seem a strangely basic issue to many, as they have this matter entrenched in their mind, but my background makes me unsure of things. I'll briefly elaborate, although at the moment, I'm not thinking as clearly as I otherwise would. I was not born into a Christian (or any other...
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    Posting problems

    Thanks for your input. Now we're on the subject of places, may I ask - where in the World are you?
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    Once saved always saved?

    Sorry - I prematurely posted. I meant to say he seems to be a sincere person individual.
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    Once saved always saved?

    Have you "experienced" Matt Dillahunty? - via "The Atheist Experience", or other sources? tllhe impression he is very sincere
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    Can demons read humans' minds?

    Thanks, all. Actually someone's responded that specifically the saved can't be influenced in this way. I was referring to people in general whether saved or unsaved, as this point has been brought up in discussions.
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    Can demons read humans' minds?

    Thanks for your input.
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    OK. First - I'll say I feel somewhat on the spot here in as much as I feel my life choices and actions may be found less than optimally productive, but here goes. At home, I tend to use my I-pod for important reasons and frivolous ones. When I'm in town, among other things, I use the...
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    Can demons read humans' minds?

    I'd be interested to read others' thoughts - whether biblically-based or not - on this issue.
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    I hope, 'though somewhat doubt, that this will be posted to the correct place and the correct individual. Is it THAT interesting to read that I go to different locations and use different devices at different times? If you REALLY care about this mystery, I'll elaborate.
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    'Thoughh for what it's worth, I think the parables are pretty self-explanatory.
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    Re. my multiple posts and mis-broadcastings, I think it may be a problem my particular I-pod.
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    Posting problems

    Sorry - the post below Magenta's was meant for you.
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    Posting problems

    Thanks for that - I'll bear that in mind for future (if any!) future posts (look what I've done to your text!). It's somehow reassuring to hear I'm not the only one this has happened to.
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    I think all parables (or metaphors) given by anyone are done so for a reason - even if it's a passing thought to momentarily brighten up a moment. In the case of Jesus and others, I think it was a way of demonstrating a truth by abstracting the central elements I think parables (or...
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    I think all parables (or metaphors) given by anyone are done so for a reason - even if it's a passing thought to momentarily brighten up a moment. In the case of Jesus and others, I think it was a way of demonstrating a truth by abstracting the central elements of a situation into manageable...
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    Posting problems

    Thanks for your suggestion. I don't know if I'm missing your point, but I don't see how it would help, as I don't see how lessening my input in a given post would help to alleviate this problem, as neither my short or long posts exceed 10,000 characters.
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    Posting problems

    PS - Although I phrased some of my response as question(s), I'm not expecting a response unless you'd like to make one. The crux of this is whether the situation's been resolved, which it apparently has.
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    Posting problems

    Maybe readers/ responders could take any mistakes I make into account when responding. As for where I've posted - at the time, after many really frustrating tries, I was prepared to try ANYWHERE to get my message through, however un-"clearly defined" it was. As for your third point - I'm...