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    Jesus' sparing the adulteress

    Ultimately, all judgement comes from God, but before His system reaches its fulfilment, He has set up a system of temporary judgement - involving execution of adulteresses. I don't know, but maybe there were other factors in this scenario:- eg - Jesus being on Earth, preparing the way for the...
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    Jesus' sparing the adulteress

    Who's stone the last person alive on Earth?
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    Jesus' sparing the adulteress

    Sorry - you've lost me on that point.
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    Why can’t i speak in tongues as a Christian

    My first "serious" encounter with Christianity/ the Bible was meeting "The Way". They were unitarians (small "u" - not the main Unitarian church). They were heavily into speaking in tongues and "taught us how to do it". It was unintelligible - at least to us. Later I had dealings with many...
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    Jesus' sparing the adulteress

    I don't understand the idea that because THEY had all broken the Law, the woman should go unjudged. EVERYBODY has broken the Law. If people are only going to be judged by morally perfect people, NO-ONE is going to be judged. As for them having "broken the law with her", I see no evidence...
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    Jesus' sparing the adulteress

    I'm not saying it was the case in the account of the gospel, but to address the general question you asked:- Suppose a couple have just finished their coupling, and they hear people coming to confront them. He is frightened and spurred on by this, he gets up and escapes. She is soon seen...
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    Jesus' sparing the adulteress

    In my post, I was in no way questioning the legitimacy of Jesus' stance - I was merely trying to understand it. Obviously, generally in a situation in which judges had to deal with a malefactor, if they used the idea "let him who is without sin...", then nobody would be carrying out justice.
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    Jesus' sparing the adulteress

    I must admit - I hadn't gone through it in detail. I just thought - If the man got away, it seems the woman should have faced the evidence available. I'm not sure what that would have entailed. As for Jesus' comment - obviously in any such confrontation, there would be no sinless person, so...
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    Jesus' sparing the adulteress

    Fair comment, "though I still feel - "Couldn't the man have escaped?". Maybe I am making too much of this possibility, but it seems a valid point. Is it that unfeasible?
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    Jesus' sparing the adulteress

    There seems to be an idea that the Levitical Law wasn't always carried out in practice. Was this the case in that of homosexuality, as an example? If this is the case, what does "They shall be put to death without fail." mean"? Seems pretty direct to me!
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    Jesus' sparing the adulteress

    I have understood and answered each of the points in your post.
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    Jesus' sparing the adulteress

    I'd like to sum up this particular point once and for all to anyone who'd like to lay this to rest. 1) Do you think the man in the gospel account fled before getting caught? 2) If, generally, a man and a woman are caught in adultery and the man or woman manages to flee, is the other offender...
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    Jesus' sparing the adulteress

    I don't know, but I've tended (perhaps wrongly) to assume they were. I don't see 'though how, whatever the case, it alters the situation.
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    Jesus' sparing the adulteress

    No, but she could be alone AFTER - when her fellow sinner had FLED!
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    Jesus' sparing the adulteress

    As I asked of another poster, does not that assume that both are caught:?
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    Jesus' sparing the adulteress

    That may well be true, but isn't that based on the assumption that both are caught?
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    Jesus' sparing the adulteress

    Iwondered if Jesus' presence had something to do with it, but would it be true that punishment would be suspended on all occupied Israel in this period? That sounds potentially chaotic!
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    Jesus' sparing the adulteress

    I'm Why is that so unthinkable?! As for why they only brought the woman - because the man had gone!
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    Jesus' sparing the adulteress

    Is that stated in the Bible or another reliable source? I don't understand why both would be required. There may well be a good reason, but it seems to me like - in a robbery committed by two men, one is caught and the other got away - and the "catchee" is released because they didn't catch...