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  1. R

    Understanding God’s election

    So many here have that fictional, make believe Satan Claus view of God. The evil one has taken control over their minds and hearts. After all, the whole world lies under the power of Satan (1Jn 5:19).
  2. R

    Understanding God’s election

    No, I'm here to give everyone the GREAT news -- that while we were still hopeless and hapless enemies of God, and while we were helplessly dead in our sins, God reconciled us to himself by raising us from the dead. You already admitted that Christ in Mat 7;23 had never set his personal...
  3. R

    Understanding God’s election

    Yes, it is easy for you to do. You identify so well with those Pharisees.
  4. R

    Understanding God’s election

    Too bad Rom 9 doesn't teach what you say. The clay pots, who didn't even exist in eternity, had no say in their eternal destiny which God determined before any of us did anything good or bad.
  5. R

    Understanding God’s election

    You are correct. I, by the grace of God, choose to not believe lies!
  6. R

    Understanding God’s election

  7. R

    Understanding God’s election

    Describes you to a tee! Good job! (y)
  8. R

    Understanding God’s election

    I made no commentary about the people who were invited. My post to which you responded dealt with an entirely different subject.
  9. R

    Understanding God’s election

    Absolutely. You should try it sometime! Paul himself in 1Tim 2 defines what he meant by "all men". Context really does matter...
  10. R

    Understanding God’s election

    And of course, you have chapter and verse to back up your fairy tale, right? :rolleyes: You guys who love to superimpose your pet lies upon scripture are going to be in for a very rude awakening on judgment day.
  11. R

    Understanding God’s election

    Whatever that means that I bolded above. You waxed incoherent again. "Make them to be ignoble purposes"? Human beings are now purposes? But he did MAKE out of the SAME lump some pottery for noble purposes and some for ignoble (or common) purposes. Rom 9:19-21 20 But who are you, O man...
  12. R

    Understanding God’s election

    Nonsense! God doesn't have multiple salvation plans. Besides, Romans is written to Gentile believers, remember? THAT is the CONTEXT! He's not even addressing Jews in Rom 9! :rolleyes:
  13. R

    Understanding God’s election

    Nonsense! The many who are called in Mat 22:14 speaks to the outward call of the Gospel. The "call" in this passage is not speaking about the inner call of the Holy Spirit. It's talking about the invitation of the Gospel. Take the Parable of the Great Banquet in Luke 14 as a great example...
  14. R

    Understanding God’s election

    You free-willers EXCEL in posting dumb straw men! Who here ever said that? You're a very confused person! You're confusing God's eternal decrees for salvation with actual salvation of individuals. To be sure, what God has decreed in eternity is certain to come to past in temporal reality...
  15. R

    Understanding God’s election

    Indeed He is...just not through you and your gang of social and spiritual misfits.
  16. R

    Understanding God’s election others get the point on top of your head... How sharp of your fan club.
  17. R

    Understanding God’s election

    Context determines HOW words are used! So, yes...context can change the meaning of a word. This is why it's so important to do word usage studies because how words are used in any given context ultimately determine their meaning in their particular contexts. Take this passage, as an example...
  18. R

    Understanding God’s election

    You have taken the 1Tim and 2Pet passages totally out of context! Therefore, they do not prove what you are so desperately trying to prove. The "all men" in the former passage is limited in the context to Gentiles. And in the latter passage, God does not wish for any of his elect to perish...
  19. R

    Understanding God’s election

    There's not a verse in all scripture that supports your ill-conceived, spurious claim. Show me one verse that teaches that "God in his foreknowledge knew who would ultimately be found in Him". The only way you can come up with that is by reading your presupposition into scripture, which is...
  20. R

    Understanding God’s election

    Another pointless post. But at least you seem to agree (for now) that Jesus never "knew" the non-elect. Thanks for that "remarkable insight" that those Christ never knew "were never saved". :rolleyes: I do seem to recall saying quite often that those in Mat 7:23 were false believers, which...