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  1. MyrtleTrees

    Questions about Solomon's relationship with God

    I agree! And what a loss he suffered from allowing himself to care more about the things of this life, than to care about pleasing God! He turned away from God, and that affected his eternal destiny, since he never repented.
  2. MyrtleTrees

    Questions about Solomon's relationship with God

    Yes, those wives had a lot to do with his eventually turning away from God and joining his wives in his worship of false gods! David didn't marry foreign wives. But Solomon did. That to me, is one sign that Solomon didn't care about God's rules as much as his father - David did...
  3. MyrtleTrees

    "Forsake not the assembling of yourselves together" - Heb. 10:25

    Yes, it sounds most likely according to that common mention of the first day of the week - that it referred to Sunday. Since it looks like the first day of the week always means Sunday, in the Bible, and according to the calendars used throughout history - with Saturday being the last day of...
  4. MyrtleTrees

    Questions about Solomon's relationship with God

    Yes, that makes all the difference in the world! Whether one puts God first in his life, or the things of this life! Many people get converted to Christ, I believe, but not all take care to keep growing in the Lord, and as a result - end up falling away - as can be seen in the Sower...
  5. MyrtleTrees

    Questions about Solomon's relationship with God

    Yes, I would say Solomon could be said to have been a good picture of "the old man." Though he was open to the Lord at first, and accepted of God at first - he could have pressed on to making a full acceptance of the lordship of Christ in his life - but he did not choose to do that. And so...
  6. MyrtleTrees

    The figurative "spiritual building" spoken of in the New Testament

    True - the "spirititual houses" we are in are spiritual only through the people having God's Spirit reside in their hearts, through the attainment of salvation through Jesus , and sincerely living according to it in daily life. And without being led by God's Spirit in daily life, no one is...
  7. MyrtleTrees

    Not wise to take all scriptures literally - better to prayerfully compare them to decide more accurately what the Bible teaches on things

    Oh I see. Yes, and it's common for some Christians to favor scriptures that they find most understandable, and to largely ignore the scriptures that support (because of the greater emphasis of those opposing scriptures - in some passages of the Bible) the opposing views on subjects. I've...
  8. MyrtleTrees

    Not wise to take all scriptures literally - better to prayerfully compare them to decide more accurately what the Bible teaches on things

    I don't think it is a simple matter, as many Christians sincerely interpret many scriptures differently from one another. And some parts of the Bible are harder for Christians to understand than others. The most important and essential thing to understand - is the way of salvation and to...
  9. MyrtleTrees

    Not wise to take all scriptures literally - better to prayerfully compare them to decide more accurately what the Bible teaches on things

    Well what I'm saying, it isn't immediately clear to a reader who reads it for what it sounds like. The Bible has a lot of that - that's one reason we never finish learning all there can be learned about the Bible within a life time!
  10. MyrtleTrees

    Not wise to take all scriptures literally - better to prayerfully compare them to decide more accurately what the Bible teaches on things

    The wearing of the head covering is different from the matter of whether to keep up with fashions or not. The wearing of the head covering back in Bible times was not simply a matter of fashion - but was to make it clear to others that these married women were under submission to their...
  11. MyrtleTrees

    No one helplessly falls away from Christ - it's a choice

    I respect your sincerity, though we don't completely agree on this subject. God bless you!
  12. MyrtleTrees

    Not wise to take all scriptures literally - better to prayerfully compare them to decide more accurately what the Bible teaches on things

    Well said, and true - I agree! Also, it's clear to me that there are many scriptures that are more difficult to understand than others, for people. Some of the most difficult kind, are those relating to prophesies, which uses lots of symbolisms.
  13. MyrtleTrees

    Questions about Solomon's relationship with God

    Questions about Solomon's relationship with God I'm going to try a different angle now, in starting some spiritual subjects. We all have our different ways of viewing the scriptures. And sincerely so, if our walks with God are sincere! Subject this time: How remarkable it is that Solomon...
  14. MyrtleTrees

    Not wise to take all scriptures literally - better to prayerfully compare them to decide more accurately what the Bible teaches on things

    True - one must be very careful not to be so careless as to make it mean whatever they want, without regard as to what God's opinion is on it. To knowingly reject any of the Bible truths in the Bible is a sin, and needs to be repented of!
  15. MyrtleTrees

    Not wise to take all scriptures literally - better to prayerfully compare them to decide more accurately what the Bible teaches on things

    Yes, I agree. But to someone who doesn't know that - it could confuse them. Another example of how one always needs to prayerfully seek God's guidance and help in reading and studying the scriptures.
  16. MyrtleTrees

    Not wise to take all scriptures literally - better to prayerfully compare them to decide more accurately what the Bible teaches on things

    Yes, indeed, some things are best taken literally. I'm just saying that not all things in the Bible should. One needs to be prayerfully careful to do one's best to interpret all scriptures as accurately as is possible!
  17. MyrtleTrees

    Not wise to take all scriptures literally - better to prayerfully compare them to decide more accurately what the Bible teaches on things

    Indeed, that is also true! One needs to guard from interpreting it overly literally, just as much as they need to guard themselves from interpreting it overly loosely (to one's whims). One example I gave of taking the scripture too literally, is how some believe that one's should have church...
  18. MyrtleTrees

    No one helplessly falls away from Christ - it's a choice

    Well, there's such a thing as overly simple as well as too complicated. We all feel other Christians err in one direction or another in this way. We can't expect all Christians to perfectly agree in their way of understanding these things - I have seen and heard of a whole lot of sincere...